This Email Exchange Between A Drunk Student And His Professor Is What College Is All About

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As a loyal attendee of class on syllabus day (and I know that makes me unique around here with all you “party-hardies” and “frat stars”), very few things irritate me more than a professor who demands we use email etiquette in our correspondence with them.

“If you don’t use professionalism in your emails, I won’t respond,” says the 26-year-old adjunct political science professor. “Please refer to me as ‘Professor’ or ‘Doctor’ and do not forget your salutations.”

Smarmy, self-absorbed professors are one of the most obnoxious aspects of college, so it was refreshing when I read the following email exchange between this clearly drunk student and his cool-as-hell professor:

Email copy

A bold email to send, for sure. By the way, what the hell does “good fuckn yard” mean? Is that an autocorrect from something else? Either way, his professor, who clearly has a solid sense of humor, gladly replied:

Email 2

This is what college is all about. Having weird interactions with your professors while you learn how to balance the freedom of going out on a week night and getting your classwork done is all part of the experience. Having a professor like this guy isn’t always an option either, as some would be incredibly offended at this email and forward it to the dean. Not this bald-headed professor, though. He understands that boys will be boys, and even extends the due date on this kid’s paper.

Good fucking yard, professor. Good fucking yard.

[via Imgur]

Image via YouTube

    1. Chill R2D2

      Fuck.. Professor** been a long summer. Drank myself back into a middle school state of mind apparently.

      9 years ago at 9:25 am
      1. Chedda B 225

        I still don’t understand where the pride comes from. Or is it like that kind of pride. You know the ones they have parades about.

        9 years ago at 2:28 pm
      2. geed_N_proud

        I’m not proud. I only put that name to fool myself. But I know my life sucks.

        9 years ago at 3:35 pm
      1. snoozeday

        Well, if I’m not mistaken, it’s an old old wooden ship used in the Civil War Era

        9 years ago at 10:20 am
  1. Sir Fratinald

    For all you highschoolers out there this works EVERYTIME! Also if you have a girl professor make sure to hit on them too they’ll definitely raise your grade and you will score some mad poon!

    9 years ago at 9:45 am
    1. HawaiianShirtFridays

      Make sure you guys rush Fiji or Pike too! They’re the best fraternities!

      9 years ago at 10:15 am
  2. BillyBomber

    My heart sinks every time I click on an article only to find you as the author. Had someone else written this piece on a perfectly enjoyable topic, I would have been able to wholeheartedly appreciate it. Alas, the rage which fills my soul upon reading just a paragraph of your writing destroys any true gratification that I could have experienced. In summary, #BlackballSteveHolt

    9 years ago at 9:59 am
    1. SteveHoltOnDrugs

      Try Xanax. With that much anger you will die of a stroke before you’re 30.

      9 years ago at 10:28 am
  3. USArmy

    Steve, of all the people to have an early Monday morning articles published, it had to be you. How, in the name of all things holy, have not contracted aids from the free hooker you are banging? There is only one hope for you. It’s that you get hit by a bus driven by your long lost father. He reads your shitty articles and ponders killing you through each sentence. Go fuck yourself, you absent-minded shithead.

    9 years ago at 10:03 am
      1. USArmy

        I’m going through a divorce right now and it’s made me angry. I completely understand the laps and I’ll take them. I look forward to TFM because of the satire, but I have been hit or miss with a lot of my comments since this debacle began.

        9 years ago at 5:02 pm