This New(ish) Drinking Game Might Cause Drunken Anarchy, Will Definitely Cause Hungover Shame — You Should Play It
Yesterday I got a text from a buddy up in Dallas about some relatively new drinking game he called “What Are The Odds?” (also known as “Odds Are”).
His description intrigued me, mostly because I embrace both fiscal and moral irresponsibility the way Mother Teresa embraced the poor.
Before a few commenters jump in and shout, “Fuck you, Bacon, you fucking pasty twat with the personality of a lab chimp that went retarded from being given too much AIDS by scientists, I’ve been playing this drinking game since I was seven because I’ve been drinking since I was seven because I’m fucking frat as fuck but secretly I’ve only had sex with two girls and once got a hand job from a guy at my lacrosse summer camp,” just cool your jets. I realize that there are obviously people who are well versed in this game. Drinking games disseminate across the country at varying paces, so it stands to reason that even if this game is a year or two old, there are still a lot of people who don’t know about it. I didn’t, and neither did my friend; both of us are pretty accomplished alcoholics, and unlike me he’s still within a year of his graduation.
To avoid an insufferable “Beer Pong” v. “Beirut” type debate (it’s beer pong, Goddammit, and if you call it Beirut I hope you get deported to Beirut) I’m going to refer to the game as “Odds Are” because its Urban Dictionary definition was way better. The rules vary a little, like a lot of drinking games, but this is a good description.
There was also a caveat in the other definition that said if the darer and daree landed within one number of each other (darer shouts 7, daree shouts 8) then they must go again. I would definitely play with that rule as well, because there’s no reason not to increase the likelihood of fucking someone over. FRIENDSHIP!
You better believe I’ll be playing this drinking game this weekend. It has everything. Excitement, embarrassment, wagers, and a whole shit ton of inadvisable drinking. Often times the dares revolve around drinking, for example:
Player 1: What are the odds you won’t finish your beer right now?
Player 2: 1 in 5
Player 3: 3-2-1 GO
Players 1 & 2: FOUR
*Player 1 chugs beer*
From there it escalates exponentially. According to my friend, he was asked what the odds were that he wouldn’t buy ten shots for his table, and lost. Generally the odds increase the more costly in money and/or shame the dare is, though the gentleman’s (aka unofficial) rule is that the daree will not go above 1-15.
So, my drunken, despicable, immoral readers, I urge you to hit the town this weekend playing “Odds Are” at bars, parties, pregames, formals, tailgates, or wherever you find yourself amongst likeminded (read: equally terrible) people..
Thanks for giving us an example after giving us the definition with an example.
10 years ago at 1:38 pmMy pledge brother has a tattoo on his ass because of this game
10 years ago at 1:45 pmI hate you for commenting the same thing twice.
10 years ago at 2:04 pmMy pledge brother has a tattoo on his ass because of this game.
10 years ago at 1:46 pmThis was more interesting the first time.
10 years ago at 1:54 pmI didn’t know it sent, you cuntwranglers.
10 years ago at 2:19 pm“Odds are” that Billy has Ebola
10 years ago at 2:01 pm1 in 3
10 years ago at 2:20 pmAbout 3.50
10 years ago at 2:40 pmThis game could explain a whole lot of Fail Friday photo submissions.
10 years ago at 2:07 pmI heard this game from one of my Pi Kapp bros who went on Journey of Hope. It has made me do things I’m not very proud of.
10 years ago at 2:08 pmWow. That was homosexual as shit.
10 years ago at 2:04 amWhat are the odds for buttstuff?
10 years ago at 2:09 pmFuck you, Bacon, you fucking pasty twat with the personality of a lab chimp that went retarded from being given too much AIDS by scientists, I’ve been playing this drinking game since I was seven because I’ve been drinking since I was seven because I’m fucking frat as fuck but secretly I’ve only had sex with two girls and once got a hand job from a guy at my lacrosse summer camp!
10 years ago at 2:10 pmYou can copy and paste, congrats!
10 years ago at 7:00 amIn the definition, the daree performs the dare, but in your example the darer performs the dare. We need official rules Bacon.
10 years ago at 2:11 pmI play a different version where the daree, if the darer does not get the correct number, gets to do the same dare or something of a similar naturer to the darer at half the odds. So for example if someone dared me to take three shots in the next minute and I said 1 in 10 and the person did not get the number I was thinking of, I would have the same bet back on them with 1 in 5 odds. This gives you an incentive to pick a lower number so your buddy is more likely to do the dare if he doesn’t get your number. I think that makes it more fun.
10 years ago at 2:19 pm