This University Of New Hampshire Librarian Who Left His $4M Estate To The School Wasted Both His Life And Money
I know this may come as a surprise to many of you, and possibly even irritating to a few, but I make a decent living mashing this here keyboard into barely comprehendible sentence fragments. If I was even a tad bit financially responsible and actually saved money from each paycheck, I’d be in a relatively comfortable spot in life. However, that would require me to cut back on supplements, gambling, throwing money around on 6th, exotic excursions through the Central American rainforest, and rolling around in a sexy, all-terrain, towing monster of a vehicle that I only use to haul my golf clubs.
Some people (my parents) can’t quite grasp how I’m still living paycheck to paycheck. They see it as a shortsighted, reckless lifestyle that will burn me in the future, but saving money is for the birds. What’s the point of having dough if you’re not going to throw it in the oven? This only-worrying-about-the-current-second-goldfish mentality of mine is why I could not be more opposed to how a librarian at the University of New Hampshire lived his life.
From The Washington Post:
Robert Morin lived a simple, frugal life.
Morin was a longtime employee at the University of New Hampshire library; he worked as a cataloguer, which is basically someone who writes descriptions of new material coming into the library.
Last week, the university announced that when Morin died in March 2015 at the age of 77, he left his estate to the school.
His $4 million estate.
Now immediately off-the-bat, many of you are thinking, “How did this dude who was stamping overdue books amass 4 milly to his name?” Well, he essentially wasted his very existence.
“He would have some Fritos and a Coke for breakfast, a quick cheese sandwich at the library, and at home would have a frozen dinner because the only thing he had to work with was a microwave,” his financial adviser, Edward Mullen, told the Globe. “He was a very unusual gentleman.”
“He never went out,” Mullen, the financial adviser who helped Morin build his wealth, told the New Hampshire Union Leader.
Jesus, that’s the most depressing thing I’ve ever heard. No kids. No wife. The palate of a toddler and the social life of a monk. Seventy-seven dreadful years on this planet and the only thing he has to show for it — the $4M — he donates back to his workplace. I hate to speak ill of the dead, but an absolute chump move and complete waste of money. Anyone that’s going to just give back his entire career earnings to his employer doesn’t deserve that kind of wealth.
A life and death squandered: The Robert Morin story..
[via The Washington Post]
Image via University of New Hampshire
How about you post IGBOFTD you fat fuck
8 years ago at 9:48 amAt least sugar daddy a broad, or four. Boy must have had erectile dysfunction at the age of 12.
8 years ago at 9:50 amYeah you can go fuck yourself
8 years ago at 9:55 amTomorrow is Friday but at this point I will not even get my hopes up
8 years ago at 9:59 amDan had to google what I library was to write this article.
8 years ago at 10:10 amApparently you’ve never been to one either.
8 years ago at 10:51 amSpell’n tuff ya dig?
8 years ago at 11:12 pmIt’s incomprehensible you monkey
8 years ago at 10:14 amWhy the fuck is this on TotalFratmove holy shit
8 years ago at 10:33 amYou don’t get payed a lot Dan. We all know that, no point making out like you’re balling off a TFM salary
8 years ago at 12:32 pmGood Lord it’s “paid” you fucking inbred
8 years ago at 2:33 pmSorry man, I only read and write at a 5th grade level when I get fucked up enough to find TFM entertaining.
8 years ago at 1:55 amAlso fuck you
8 years ago at 1:56 amHe should have set at least a million aside for some Instagram whores…er, “models”.
8 years ago at 1:47 pmSavage.
8 years ago at 3:42 pm