Throwback Thursday: Revisiting Top TFM TV Characters
Ari Gold – Entourage
At one point this fast talking Hebrew turned down the executive job and Gulf-stream jet. But he made up for it by starting his own company, taking over Hollywood, and reinventing the art of verbal hazing in unprecedented fashion.
Ari owns Josh Weinstein in a classic scene
Starting to respect the intern!
13 years ago at 10:37 pmWhy? He’s just rehashing shit because he can’t think of new material.
13 years ago at 11:45 pmIt’s called Throwback Thursday for a reason fucktwit.
13 years ago at 12:44 amI’m not going to flip through all the pages. Is Dennis Reynolds on the list?
13 years ago at 12:58 am^ Nope. No Dennis.
13 years ago at 12:36 pmari gold would be a pike
13 years ago at 1:56 am^You shut your fucking mouth!
13 years ago at 10:59 pmOH COME ON
13 years ago at 10:41 pm
13 years ago at 10:42 pmSolid intern, very solid.
13 years ago at 10:51 pmMichael Westen from Burn Notice.
Blowing shit up, being ace with all sorts of weapons, all with his slam Fiona, and hazing the shit out of terrorists and drug lords. TFM.
Sam Axe might be even more of a TFM though.
13 years ago at 10:54 pm^This
13 years ago at 10:56 pmBadass show
13 years ago at 10:26 amBurn Notice? Seriously, are you guys retarded? Here’s an idea, get a real cable package and stop watching shows on FX or TNT, losers.
13 years ago at 12:03 pmAll the best shows are on AMC, FX, and USA. American Movie Channel, Fox Extended, United States of America Channel.
13 years ago at 3:38 pmYou have mental problems, man.
The walking dead is good as hell, i don’t care what yall say
13 years ago at 3:43 pm^agreed with the walking dead comment. and hell yes, Sam Axe is definitely a TFM.
13 years ago at 4:00 pmAce?
13 years ago at 7:44 pmAll of you guys are serious fucking losers. The Walking Dead? Zombies aren’t real, grow the fuck up and get out of your fantasy land. I’ll talk to all of your parents and maybe I can convince them to let you losers watch HBO or Showtime finally like adults. Maybe that will put some hair on all of your nuts finally.
13 years ago at 12:02 pmSo we can watch True Blood like you do?
13 years ago at 2:15 pm^lol.
13 years ago at 10:06 pmI can’t watch tv that is fictional?! Holy fuck you have got to be kidding me. So what if zombies aren’t real, its a badass show. Elf is on, I should probably turn it off because Will Ferrell isn’t really an elf. Get over yourself
13 years ago at 10:12 pm^
13 years ago at 11:49 amAnyone that watches that shit is certainly a bored housewife or a pledge. Get premium cable you poor.
13 years ago at 8:45 amAlso, FX is a great channel, Fratthew. Archer, Sons of Anarchy, It’s Always Sunny…
13 years ago at 8:47 amRuxin from the League
13 years ago at 10:55 pm^ Taco
13 years ago at 11:00 pmTaco is unbelievably TFTC
13 years ago at 11:01 pm
13 years ago at 11:03 pmDefinately TFTC
The entire cast of The League. Excluding Andre, of course.
13 years ago at 2:14 amAndre’s definately the legacy.
13 years ago at 9:26 pm^Andre is the legacy who didn’t get a bid.
13 years ago at 9:03 pmSolid list. I may be fratter than Draper, though.
13 years ago at 10:56 pmSomeone posted about Giovanni from Pokemon last time this was up. I give zero fucks, he was a TFM.
13 years ago at 11:03 pm^I have no idea who that is but he sounds like a fucking queer.
13 years ago at 11:34 pmI’d pee in his pujol.
13 years ago at 1:16 amWhere the hell is Ron Swanson in this list?
13 years ago at 11:05 pmSecond
13 years ago at 11:41 pm
In case you people haven’t heard of Ron Swanson let me fill you in. He is dressed impeccably every day in a combination of polos and sweaters that makes the brooks brothers applaud every time he comes into a room. Being the boss of the Parks Department, he is a government employee; the upside? He wants to privatize his own department and get rid of the government entirely. In one episode he even teaches an elementary school girl visiting the government how taxes work by eating her sandwich. He never takes appointments with concerned citizens, rather schedules them for a date that does’t exist. And for the lucky few that make it into his office he has a gun situated on his pointing at the chair in which that person would sit. Ron is a dark liquor and steak connoisseur. But the most important about why Ron is the embodiment of FaF, is his perfectly groomed mustache that will never go out of style.
If you haven’t seen parks and rec, you are missing out on one of the greatest TFM characters, nay gentlemen of the decade
13 years ago at 7:59 amRon Swanson not being on this list is a joke.
13 years ago at 8:25 amMy thoughts exactly Constantine.
13 years ago at 4:30 pmAddy rant, but an excellent one.
13 years ago at 8:47 amHank Moody from Californication is a must on this list.
13 years ago at 11:12 pm^Agreed, he is the definition of TFTC
13 years ago at 11:21 pmYeah but other than fucking mad bitches his life really, really blows.
13 years ago at 11:42 pmHe hangs out and does blow with rock stars, fucks movie stars, and when he bought his new Porsche he busted out the headlight just so it’d be like his old one. TFTC
13 years ago at 1:12 am
13 years ago at 6:14 amAlthough he’s obviously TFTC, I cringed when Kenny Powers threw the flag on the ground.
13 years ago at 11:12 pm