Toronto’s Crack Smoking Mayor Takes The Weekend Off To Party In Austin

Rob Ford, Toronto’s big, lovable, crack-smoking mayor, hit the road Wednesday traveling south to Austin, Texas for the world famous music festival, “Austin City Limits.” Ford, who closely resembles the villainous Mr. Waternoose from Monsters Inc, teamed up with nightlife activists in Toronto in an effort to form a music alliance with the “Live Music Capitol of the World.”

Ford said he wants to take in the Austin City Limits music festival.“I want to see what they’re doing and why we’re not doing it,” he said. “If we can take a page out of (Austin’s) playbook, I’d like to run some of their plays.”Toronto Star

It is unclear how much of the city’s funding has been allocated for his trip, but Ford adamantly denies using any taxpayer money on himself, saying that he paid for his travel to and from Texas. Though, it could easily be deduced that the city has probably funded most everything else.

He claims that coming to Austin is strictly a business trip, but a quick Google inquiry on his past behavior would lead almost anybody to call bullshit. He is no stranger to public controversy. In May, Gawker attempted to crowd-source $200,000 for a video of Ford smoking crack. This past August, the same website also published a video of a trashed Rob Ford possibly offering cocaine to festival attendees in Toronto.

While on the surface it would appear to be a harmless political visit, I’d venture to guess that Rob Ford is continuing to troll Canadians with his unrelenting nighttime habits. Kudos, Mr. Mayor. I can’t wait to see you drunkenly stumbling down 6th Street this weekend.

[via Toronto Star]

Image via NY Mag
