Try Not To Vomit At This Gift A College Freshman Gave His High School Girlfriend

So the following tweet is going viral.

Light it on fire and hope it never sees the light of day again. Apparently, this thing is called an “explosion box,” probably because it makes you want to blow yourself the fuck up. Nightmare fuel. Why can’t you just get your girl something normal like a gift card and some chocolates just as every other normal guy would do? Or better yet, break up with her because she’s in high school and you’re going to college, you moron.

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  1. AndrewsMomsAss

    Andrew gave me one of these when he went off to college. Andrew has issues…

    8 years ago at 11:20 am
  2. Colonel Reb forever

    Just another minority hopelessly smitten with one of our women. White girls are magic indeed.

    8 years ago at 11:59 am
  3. BloodyBunghole

    Shit… I’d date the guy that gave me that level of sentimental nonsense… I really would!

    8 years ago at 12:01 pm
    1. SigmaAlphaMan

      If you’re on this site, the chances are good that you’re a millennial. Speak for yourself dickweed

      8 years ago at 12:25 pm
    2. 1855_frat

      If you’re too old to be considered a millennial (it’s everyone currently 16-36) and you’re on this site, what does that really say about you?

      8 years ago at 1:33 pm
  4. DornFromMajorLeague

    He’s gonna be a 5 star sorority recruit with those kind of crafting skills

    8 years ago at 12:25 pm