Making my Son do my laundry, since he thinks he has the weekend off from pledgeship. TFD (Total Frat Dad).


      You sir, are an idiot. Even if he does have help, the point of this post is pointing out that his son, a pledge, will not get out of pledgeship work when he comes from home from college. If he does have help it makes this post even better. Its people like you that ruin this site.

      14 years ago at 8:52 pm
    2. Frat til i die

      Texaswallsits, your a geed. How do you not understand this and appreciate this, are you mad your father isnt frat enough to care for you in a father son bond like this man has with his son?

      14 years ago at 11:49 pm
    3. Bill Bro'Reilly

      I’ve seen Texaswallsits’ posts before… Total disgrace to the state of Texas, and the whole South at that.

      14 years ago at 1:01 am
    4. AD cutie Pi

      Sirwallsits or whoever the hell you are, you clearly are not a classy frat if all you can do is insult legacies that will determine your status. So I suggest you grow a pair and gain some class and realize who your elders truly are.

      14 years ago at 6:27 am
    1. LadyFratter

      Not respecting an older man : NF
      Not respecting an older fratdaddy : TgeedM
      Doing it over the Internet : Pathetic

      As you were, TFD. The true frat/ stratstars commend you.

      14 years ago at 12:52 am
    1. Frat til i die

      Stfu geed, if you were really frat you would know, once you go frat you never go back, once a fratstar, allways a fratstar.

      14 years ago at 11:47 pm
    2. Keep the Change

      Holy BRO-ler, disrespecting someone initiated before you is NF. Either you’re in a shitty house or you’re a geed. Either way, it’s best if you go load up on all the four loko you can and then drink it until you die. Thanks, we appreciate it.

      14 years ago at 1:02 am
  1. Keep the Change

    Best TFM ever. Old fratters are way frattier than new fratters. Don’t believe me? See: Old money vs. New money.

    14 years ago at 9:52 pm