FreetoRAPE_ Hey Jood, don’t make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart ten you can start to make it better. Jood Jood a joodie joodie whoa! 12 years ago at 9:29 am
Anus Magillicutty There is nothing manly, fratty, or safe about driving a Smart Car. 12 years ago at 10:39 pm
itsDallin When you finally make it to the gas station, do us all a favor and just stick the nozzle in your mouth instead of your car. 12 years ago at 10:40 pm
WtF_ I still don’t get it. What did dick pledge do that made you want to eat him? Does your fraternity regularly engage in canabalism of your pledges? 12 years ago at 10:54 pm
Dildo T Baggins Yea boi I tell you wut. Dat gatdamn diesel get all dem bitches 12 years ago at 4:27 am
Tommy Gufano #teamlongdriveways #faf #tftc #nosmartcars #hecalledtheshitpoop #internhasamangina #bitethepillowimgoingindry 12 years ago at 11:34 pm
I’ve done this.
12 years ago at 10:20 pmProbably shouldn’t have said that, sport.
12 years ago at 10:56 pm^
12 years ago at 3:36 amWhoa we got a badass!
12 years ago at 4:18 amHey Jood, don’t make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart ten you can start to make it better. Jood Jood a joodie joodie whoa!
12 years ago at 9:29 am“Jood”
12 years ago at 9:40 amDie
12 years ago at 11:47 amRunning out of gas. NF.
12 years ago at 10:22 pmGas is for boners. Smart Car FTW!
12 years ago at 10:37 pmThere is nothing manly, fratty, or safe about driving a Smart Car.
12 years ago at 10:39 pmSmart Cars. NF.
12 years ago at 11:42 pmSafe cars, NF.
12 years ago at 12:07 amSafe sex. NF
12 years ago at 7:36 amManly sex TFTC
12 years ago at 9:30 amMan Sex. RFM
12 years ago at 9:57 amDog sex. TDM.
12 years ago at 11:35 amSex. NF
12 years ago at 11:43 amWhen you finally make it to the gas station, do us all a favor and just stick the nozzle in your mouth instead of your car.
12 years ago at 10:40 pm
12 years ago at 10:47 pmI still don’t get it. What did dick pledge do that made you want to eat him? Does your fraternity regularly engage in canabalism of your pledges?
12 years ago at 10:54 pmCannibalism. FaF.
12 years ago at 11:01 pm?
12 years ago at 11:05 pm¿
12 years ago at 11:09 pmHOW MANY DICKS?!?!?!?!!!!!????
12 years ago at 11:11 pmA bushel of dicks.
12 years ago at 11:13 pmFecund penis.
12 years ago at 12:23 amGas is for queers, diesel is for men
12 years ago at 11:28 pmYea boi I tell you wut. Dat gatdamn diesel get all dem bitches
12 years ago at 4:27 amFord super duty. FaF.
12 years ago at 12:38 pm#teamlongdriveways #faf #tftc #nosmartcars #hecalledtheshitpoop #internhasamangina #bitethepillowimgoingindry
12 years ago at 11:34 pmWhat a fucking poor.
12 years ago at 11:58 pmI think he means his driveway is super long.
12 years ago at 1:40 pm