The SEC hazing the GDI out of the Big Ten on New Year's Day. TFM.

    1. Wall Sits Will Work

      Irrelevant score. The ACC is 2-0 against the SEC this year.

      And Iowa Delt, Go Hawks!

      14 years ago at 1:35 am
    1. FratBastard

      we’ll keep the National Championships as well. The only way you will earn a good living is if one of us signs your paycheck, geed.

      14 years ago at 3:03 am
  1. you go to a safety school

    hahaha, come up north and play the bowl games, I doubt SEC would win any

    14 years ago at 1:12 am
    1. BROtel Dip

      yeah your probably right 52-14 and 49-7 are pretty close games if they were played up north in the cold weather the big ten teams would definetly have won. NOT. fucking idiot.

      14 years ago at 1:24 am
    2. BROhio State

      The SEC is overrated. Just because you’re southern doesn’t mean you’re FaF. So shut up and drink your 4 lokos in Robert E Lee’s house and learn how to argue. Who uses “NOT!” anymore?

      14 years ago at 1:29 am
    3. FratJesus

      Who the hell would want to travel up North for a bowl game when all of the fratmosphere is down here? SEC

      14 years ago at 2:35 am
    4. broakies

      Ohio State’s record vs. SEC schools in bowl games from the last twenty years: 0-8.

      “BROhio State” — just relax under that hoodie and shut the fuck up. Your team is the one thats severely overrated, the SEC owns you.

      14 years ago at 2:51 am
    5. Z71TahoeEX

      What a joke, SEC is the dominant conference hands down. No yankee school holds a candle

      14 years ago at 4:09 am
    6. Fratrick Norton Freeman

      TKE is the best house at Ohio State (ever heard of the saying “if you can’t go Greek, go TKE”?). Truley proves how GDI you are up there. Ohio State is overrated as shit, more overrated than Florida and Texas this past preseason.
      Sorry I’m not sorry and sucks to suck you geed

      14 years ago at 4:53 am
    7. people who trust greekrank are fags

      Fratrick, you most likely got your information from greekrank, possibly the most catty, shit website in the entire world

      14 years ago at 5:30 am
    1. Iowa Delt

      Iowa is the only Big 10 team that CAN beat the SEC. We’ve met seven times since the 50’s and won five. don’t lump us in with the rest of the conference

      14 years ago at 5:40 am
  2. SEC Drunk

    No one can compete with the SEC in football or in fratting. We understand everyone else’s jealousy.

    14 years ago at 1:45 am
  3. Patabronia

    I didn’t mind watching both Michigan teams getting the shit hazed out of them.

    14 years ago at 4:10 am