My slampiece has to remember to check my back pockets for koozies when she washes my khakis. TFM.

    1. TNSlam

      Can’t mix lights and darks. Don’t worry. You probably will never need to know that information.

      14 years ago at 2:20 am
    1. soon2frat

      Do you just go to each wall post and write rude things because if you do you are a worthless piece of shit. Get a job you dirty hippie. Hotty Toddy

      14 years ago at 2:45 am
    2. Green Grass and High Tides

      Is redneck supposed to be an insult? Southern Frat=part redneck, part prep, part hippie (not political beliefs).

      14 years ago at 3:33 am
    3. fratgrenade

      redneck is most definitely an insult. just because southerners have used their delusional pride to twist a historically derogatory word into something complimentary doesnt mean a redneck is definitely something you dont wanna be. rednecks, hippies, and guidos are the lowest forms of life.

      14 years ago at 4:57 am
    4. Eric Fratton

      No part hippie; I don’t know where you got that idea.
      Like the name though

      14 years ago at 6:06 am
    5. Green Grass and High Tides

      I’m not saying being called a redneck is a compliment, but we do have what I would call redneck elements, such as Justin, Georgia or Redwing boots, dip, Hank Jr./Southern rock,etc. As far as hippie goes, I consider our love for bands such as Widespread Panic, YMSB, Grateful Dead, Allman Brothers kind of hippie. Not to mention chacos, standups, kavu visors, and other Patagonia stuff fairly hippie. I’m not saying we are hippie, I’m just saying that in my opinion the blending of the three elements equal southern frat. Take it as you will.

      14 years ago at 6:19 am