And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
We (Republicans) are always portrayed as evil for a reason. You can’t spew so much hate and intolerance and expect people to still like you. Settle down.
I don’t know breaux, the dems seem to do the same I mean with the whole electing Obama and all. I think electing him makes you look worse than flipping over a table.
that makes no sense.
14 years ago at 1:08 pmHow the hell does this not make sense?
14 years ago at 1:56 pmHaha the image of this in my head actually made me laugh. And it completely makes sense.
14 years ago at 1:09 pmWell since Jesus was the “King of the Jews” that doesn’t really make sense.
14 years ago at 1:12 pmshut the fuck up
14 years ago at 1:48 pmFratting in Texas has never read the Bible apparently.
14 years ago at 1:57 pmAnd Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
14 years ago at 3:49 pmSorry: Matthew 21:12-13
14 years ago at 3:50 pmWay to contribute meaningfully to political discourse. You’re the best!
14 years ago at 1:13 pmI don’t think I’ve laughed this hard at a TFM in a while, I applaud you sir
14 years ago at 1:17 pmThis is the first top-quality post in awhile. Well done
14 years ago at 1:40 pmThis is why everyone hates Republicans. Way to ruin our name even more.
14 years ago at 2:51 pmfuck you
14 years ago at 3:10 pmUh ok?
14 years ago at 3:45 pmI’m pretty sure republicans dont hate republicans
14 years ago at 3:53 pmGrappler must have been in a coma during the 2010 elections.
14 years ago at 3:54 pmWe (Republicans) are always portrayed as evil for a reason. You can’t spew so much hate and intolerance and expect people to still like you. Settle down.
14 years ago at 4:00 pmSettling down. NF
14 years ago at 4:23 pmRaging like a true conservative Republican and not giving a fuck what other people think – FaF.
14 years ago at 5:38 pmI don’t know breaux, the dems seem to do the same I mean with the whole electing Obama and all. I think electing him makes you look worse than flipping over a table.
14 years ago at 7:13 pmNo you didn’t.
14 years ago at 3:11 pmthis is a true tfm, well done good sir
14 years ago at 3:27 pmNo, no you didn’t.
14 years ago at 3:31 pm