Butch Davis hazing Dorky Dooley while his quarterback watches and cries. TFM.

    1. fivenine

      SEC > ACC

      I’d rather lose with Coach Dooley then win with that jackass Lane Kiffin

      Carolina football is a joke anyways, stick to basketball.

      14 years ago at 3:03 pm
  1. Jack Daniels

    I can’t be the only one who thinks Dooley is way frattier than Butch Davis. Davis coached at Miami and blew while coaching the Browns. Dooley inherited his coaching talent from his dad (pretty fratty), coaches in the SEC (also rather fratty), and tonight hazed the bejeezus out of a supposedly venerable Tar Heel defense with a freshman QB and 16 true freshmen. Fantastic end of game composure, too: Bray cried, sure, but for someone who had led Miami to a #2 ranking, he hopped around like a 6 year old after winning the Music City bowl. Real nice.

    I don’t even like Tennessee, but you are wrong.

    14 years ago at 6:31 am
    1. Fratyousay

      Dooley has one winning record as a head coach and played for an acc school. Kindly shut the hell up.

      14 years ago at 7:43 am
    2. Capt. Obvious

      uhh, the “venerable defense” wasn’t playing in the game. only ohio state and auburn are allowed to play their rule-breakers in bowl games.

      14 years ago at 7:48 pm
  2. Admiral Fratbar

    you go to a school that values african handball more than football, and your chapters bring their pledges to get hazed by our chapters. you suck.

    14 years ago at 6:43 am
    1. Fratology

      You may know that you’ll work for your father who attended an sec school. But your father works for mine and he attended an acc school

      14 years ago at 6:55 am

      Your trying to hard to sound like your dad owns a multi million dollar company.

      14 years ago at 8:03 pm
  3. Bubba BROtep

    Having an 8-5 record and playing in the “Almost Competitive Conference,” or playing for the son of an SEC legend that took a program in shambles to making a bowl game and a 6-7 record. I’ll take the SEC any day. Congrats on your Music City bowl win.

    14 years ago at 6:48 am
  4. Franklin Howard Brobey

    I didn’t pull for either team, but if you refer to barely surviving regulation to win by a field goal in double over time as hazing, your idea of hazing sucks and you don’t belong on this site. Enjoy your coveted music city bowl trophy, its almost as good as winning an aluminum medal in the olympics.

    14 years ago at 6:55 am
    1. 1855


      Not being able to time manage and “winning” a game because of it. NF. I don’t pull for either team but UNC’s performance was an embarrassment to the game of football. Clear sign that a runoff clock rule should be in placed for college football, and new referees are in order.

      14 years ago at 9:27 am
    2. Capt. Obvious

      Ehh, Tennessee’s coach is a moron, I wouldnt parrot what he says. The penalty didnt stop the clock (maybe it should have under the college rule?) – the clock stopped when the ball was spiked into the ground.

      The bigger problem with the college rule is you can use an offensive penalty to avoid a loss of down. That didnt happen.

      14 years ago at 7:42 pm
  5. Fratheuser-Busch

    I guess in Tennessee, lightning does strike twice…..hahahhaahahahahaah

    14 years ago at 7:16 am
    1. Minerva's Hole

      Being committed to your University and football program and leading your team to a near victory as a true freshman seems pretty legitimate. He may have cried, but he put all he had into that game.

      14 years ago at 7:29 am
    2. 1236 Delt

      Then by that principle, even Tebow crying is acceptable. Crying in football is NF.

      14 years ago at 7:30 am
    3. brometheus

      Nearly getting a victory is the same thing as you nearly being accepted to an ACC school. It obviously didn’t happen…

      14 years ago at 7:36 am
    4. Jack

      Who would choose an acc school over an sec school? Anyone capable of a decent SAT score. Pretty much anyone can get into the majority of sec schools

      14 years ago at 8:12 am
    5. Son of the South

      Someone who wants a better education than going to Auburn. Brays a fat California GDI pussy anyways.

      14 years ago at 3:57 pm
    6. iFrat

      I’d rather go to losing SEC school than a “winning” ACC school any day. Go Vols!

      14 years ago at 4:05 pm
    7. 1848

      WAR FRAT EAGLE, are you kidding me? There is not a single SEC school that is remotely hard to get into.

      14 years ago at 7:30 pm
    8. Rage Face

      Tyler Bray is a GDI just like every other jorts wearing redneck who all stumble around knoxville talking about bullshit tradition. Look at how shitty your fraternity houses are on “frat row”. They’re building a huge health center in front of it so no one has to look at it anymore. But the rest of TN’s campus is concrete and gay anyway so it all works out

      14 years ago at 10:17 pm
  6. UNC M2

    Winning is Frat, Losing isn’t (neither is crying- sourcecheck: Tim Tebow), plain and simple.

    14 years ago at 7:33 am
  7. Frat

    tennessee 6-6, unc 7-5, both schools suck and neither deserved to be a bowl this year. the end was fun to watch but in the end who gives a fuck about the music city bowl or either team who ends up with these records

    14 years ago at 7:47 am
  8. Flatbill hunter

    Winning the music city bowl against the 4th worst team in the sec in overtime after tying at the last second thanks to personal fouls does not constitute as hazing. Go play never have I ever with your so called pledge brothers you GDI.

    14 years ago at 7:58 am