My grandfather wears a Breitling Emergency Mission because Life Alert is for GDIs. TFM.

  1. cotton king

    It has a distress beacon that is used by the coast guard/national guard to find you, not an automated 911 call to alert the proper authorities. You don’t know how these things work, do you? Failure, utter and complete failure to even lie convincingly.

    14 years ago at 5:15 pm
    1. Cape Fratteras

      No, I actually do. He does actually have this watch because he sails. Enjoy your timex geed.

      14 years ago at 7:55 pm
    2. cotton king

      Walking back your statement, eh? “he has one instead of lifealert” oh, shit, thats obviously a lie… “he, uh, sails, you uh, uh, GDI!” Most boats, and most quality open water safety gear, will have a beacon attached or built in. Know how i know you lie?

      14 years ago at 6:54 am
    3. Cape Fratteras

      You know how I know you’re a GDI? You had to research to find out what this watch is and if uh uh uh you respond to this post, it will confirm your status as a liberal GDI.

      14 years ago at 5:49 pm
  2. Brolini

    Unfortunately for your grandfather, his “Breitling Emergency Mission” watch won’t be any help when he is laying at the bottom of the stairs.

    14 years ago at 6:18 pm
  3. C.M.

    Here’s to hoping your poor grandfather is never in an actual emergency. The coast guard certainly will not be rescuing him from the floor of his bathroom. Not a frat move.

    14 years ago at 6:28 pm
  4. Fratyard Vines

    Clearly the frat star in question understands that the Breitling doesn’t call 911. Its a joke and funny.

    14 years ago at 5:54 am
  5. awesome

    anyone who knows the price of this watch will know this post is brilliant and anyone who owns a breitling is frat including bear grylls

    14 years ago at 1:15 pm