Convincing your slampieces that the red light means the camera is just charging. TFM.

  1. TxPhiDelt389

    1. you’re a creeper for sure.
    2. you’re a douchebag.
    3. she is retarded. not frat to bang retards.
    4. calling girls “slampieces” isnt frat, it just makes you a douchebag that gives guys in frats a bad name.

    if i met you i would merc you for being such a pig. and doing the right thing is FaF.

    i’m proud to be a PHIght DELT.

    14 years ago at 1:57 am
  2. Ally

    then you must be slamming a middle schooler because anyone older would know you’re an idiot.

    14 years ago at 5:37 pm