1. 1904

    To the poster: It is time to leave your computer. You can’t pull TFMs if you’re sitting here posting them all day.

    14 years ago at 6:52 pm
  2. fratdaniels

    Wow, just…wow. Probably about time to start searching for some new moderators…

    14 years ago at 7:04 pm
  3. Oxford Chino

    ThisShitIsFratnanas is not the least bit frat, he’s creative with entirely too much time on his hands. Get off your Dell and go rage or slam. I honestly don’t care what you do, just get your geed ass off of TFM.

    14 years ago at 8:04 pm
  4. The Fratrix

    Frat fact of the day: cooties are actually lice.
    congratulations, you’ve never had lice. Post isn’t NF it’s just not a TFM.

    14 years ago at 10:00 pm
  5. IKnowImAnAlcoholic

    This isn’t a tfm, and shitis… whatever the dudes name is, may be on here a lot. But this is kinda funny and to be honest, I have an internship where I am on the computer doing nothing all day and find myself of this website all the time checkin shit out of sheer boredom. I don’t know what his deal is, but there could be a reason why the kid has a lot of post. Shame on the moderators for allowing it all the time, but everything I have seen from shitis… is pretty much a frat move.

    14 years ago at 10:29 pm
    1. KeyBumps n FratDumps

      Whether or not he does produce a lot of douche-like posts, it is apparent that you have absolutely no life. While there is nothing wrong with checking this website a few times a day if you’re bored at your internship, but last time I checked, the two internships I have had in the past don’t have me working until 10:30 pm on a Saturday night. You call yourself a fraternity man yet you’re still on your computer checking this site after you get off work? Shouldn’t you be out, getting wasted, slamming slammies? Apparently calling out other people for being on this site too much is how you get off. Get a life, maybe even become an alcoholic like your handle implies, you hypocrite.

      14 years ago at 9:03 am
    2. reagansucks

      ever heard of IB?
      If you’re at a bulge bracket, you’re luck to get off before 11.
      Sorry your chapter couldn’t give you the needed connections for a prestigious job.

      14 years ago at 11:21 am