My slam wanted a pet fish so I bought her one. He lives in an empty Makers Mark handle and his name is Hazer. TFM.

    1. Nu_d Since 69

      You are right. It isn’t sold in handles, but since it is only sold in 750ml, it is fine to call makers a handle. I call makers a handle as well.

      14 years ago at 5:58 pm
    2. IKnowImAnAlcoholic

      Yea, it definitely comes in 1.75L. Not all abc stores in NC carry handles though.

      14 years ago at 7:41 pm
    3. UTSNU

      Maker’s is sold in handles. Reference the photos section with the guy buying five handles of maker’s.

      14 years ago at 2:23 am
  1. Confraterate_States

    Nice Move, tell her to be careful though, my slam had a beta in a GJ bottle and it didn’t get enough oxygen and died.

    14 years ago at 8:39 pm