“I’d never hit a woman in my entire life but I swear to God in my mind right now I am pummeling your smug face to a pulp for everything you did to me, my career and my family. But not to worry all right. Because I will prevail, because I’m a winner and you’re a whore with more cleavage than talent. And I will not stop untill I destroy you.”
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a fantasy novel for children by C. S. Lewis. Published in 1950 and set circa 1940, it is the first-published book of The Chronicles of Narnia and is the best known book of the series. Although it was written and published first, it is second in the series’ internal chronological order, after The Magician’s Nephew. Time magazine included the novel in its TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005.[1] It has also been published in 47 foreign languages.
Obviously I don’t work there. Common sense. And nah came in with a polo, khakis, and polo hat. Btw….why is this place run by Dumbfuck southerners? Come to Boston and my summer house on Nantucket and I’ll show you real wealth and prep. Hah….like an SEC school is actually good.
What low rate fucking Brooks Brother store do you live near that lets their employees wear Polo hats? Seems a little backwards to me for an employee of Brooks Brothers to wear another brand’s merchandise on the clock.
It’s true. This site is run by new money losers who think some of the smallest things are worth bragging about. It’s pathetic, and if they actually had vast amounts of wealth they wouldn’t feel the need to preach about it. The cost of living in the south is so fucking cheap almost anywhere compared to the north, so it doesn’t surprise me to see people bragging about the dumbest shit since its impressive to them and their low standard of living. If any of them stepped on an Ivy league campus or a private school campus for that matter they’d probably begin to understand how pathetic they really are. It’s pretty easy to be considered rich when you go to a public school in the south and have some nice things. I know for a fact the GDI’s at these schools are practically on welfare.
Nice try troll, but I’ve attended both and there was far more welfare in the Ivys than at any SEC school. And Nantucket? That’s the best you can do. Sad.
^^ you are so right. I’m a 4th generation student at the University of Buffalo (it was private for 116 years before it became public in ’62). All of my cousins go to Ivy Leagues…mostly dartmouth. I see this TFM thing as a complete joke. Real preps…don’t brag about their money. Real preps summer on nantucket, the vineyard, the cape, or rhode island (personally we have houses on nantucket and newport, RI).
I get the whole quintessential southern gentlemen thing…but youre not a prep and a “frat star” if you go to the University of Texas (shittiest school out there). You’re a southern prep if you are quiet, humble, smart, and go to a school like UNC or Virginia. Most of these kids on this site (from what I’ve seen) are just plain douschebags. Look at that “fratfellas” video…it’s just pure dousche! A REAL prep and a REAL old money gentleman wouldn’t say those things, wouldn’t brag, they would keep to themselves and act like a leader.
So please gentlemen…being a dousche isn’t cool…and it ain’t prep. What is prep is acting like a true gentleman…probably the way your parents taught you when you were a kid. That’s how we are in the northeast…and you seem like you aspire to be like us.
^^ Vanderbilt is an exception, but you are delusional if you think that even a top tier SEC frat god would not be laughed at and ridiculed at an ivy. What school did you attend where this wouldn’t be the case?
You’re talking shit about people bragging, and then you come on here talking about all your vacation homes? You should just shut the fuck up you yankee trash, the South is classier and richer than the North. Why do you think all you yankee trash want to come live here? You think that you’re frat cause you go to the University of Buffalo? I bet your slams look like Thelma from Scooby Doo, so don’t open your mouth you fuckin liberal.
It’s how you make of it. Vandy is obviously a VERY good school…won’t disagree with you there. Let’s say you’re a complete gentleman…you’re smart…wealthy…have old money…don’t flash it around…then yes you’re prep and you got a good head on your shoulders. BUT, if you are flashy with your money, study animal science at texas a&m (rick perry), and are a complete dousche…you’re not prep…you’re just a jerk.
I get girls all day every day (although I’ve had a GF for 7 months now). Being a dousche doesn’t mean success. Being well mannered and smart (and not lazy) equals success. That’s how my family has done it for the past 100+ years…and it’s worked thus far.
Let’s think about this real quick. You’re wearing a polo, khakis, and a polo hat and people are asking you if you work at Brooks Brothers. My only conclusion is that the consumers who frequent this particular Brooks Brothers store are all fucking idiots.
Everyone above me: “It’s so not classy to brag about money. I totally don’t brag about my homes in nantucket and incredible amounts of wealth, for example.”
“The SOuthe is fool of egonorant dumb dousche bags”-Buffalofan4255
Easy there stupid, we don’t want you to hurt yourself with 6 letter words like “douche” with which you spelled with 7 letters…
Also why did you even comment on your post? This is a satirical website so naturally you wouldn’t need to explain yourself by saying you do not work there. Nice polo references though, that’s how we know you are a true ‘fratstar’. “I was wearing a button down Ralph Lauren shirt unbuttoned enough you could see my polo tat with a polo belt and a backward polo hat, fuck I frat hard!”
If only you weren’t such a simpleton, you would have known that you didn’t quote me right…and that’s not even close to what I said I was wearing. But I guess republicans are good at lying their asses off.
no I know, I was completely making fun of you….for being a moron try hard piece of shit. You are a moron, literally the dumbest pledge I’ve talked to. I didn’t lie you cum stain I was exaggerating. kill yourself
I stopped reading after Success, who goes to the University of Buffalo, called the University of Texas the “shittiest school out there”. I’m fairly confident most of the high schools around here are more competitive than the University of Buffalo. Just to add to the irony he went on and on about how a true “old money prep” would never brag on a website while in the process letting us know about his summer houses. Success, you are an absolute tool and nobody here cares about what you have to say you “prep” clown. Lastly, it is douche, not dousche, you douche.
I don’t remember mentioning how selective Buffalo is but I do find your stats fairly surprising considering Buffalo is ranked #111 in US News & World Report’s rankings while UT is #45. I’m sure you’re pretty smart though considering practically all your cousins go to Ivy’s. I’ve seen some pretty delusional people on this site but you might be the most.
Buffalo, you are the epitome of what is wrong with this country. You, your school, and your wealth is not impressive in any way. Not to mention the fact that you cannot put together a logical sentence. If you had any self-respect you would not need to defend and brag about your father’s accomplishments, if they are even real claims. Kindly shove an oddly shaped trophy up your ass and keep pushing until it comes out of your mouth, so you can never speak again. Oh, and if you think that anyone here is jealous that you go to a mediocre university with a horrible greek system, you are mistaken.
you sir, are an embarrassment to the state of MA. And being from MA. Ill be the first to admit Boston is the most Geed city in America. so go back to your JUCO college while the SEC and the south will keep making people like you look poor. Im sure any chapter from any southern state can afford one trip to Nantucket, rent a better house, and put you little shack to shame. And seriously, a buffalo fan? go to canada you idiot.
Haha and there is alot more old money in the South compared to the North, I’m sure alot of the people who go to Bama, Ole Miss, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida were actually accepted to your yankee ivy league schools but chose not to go because they prefer better parties, hotter women, warmer weather, and better golfcourses.
No, they actually don’t. Those schools accept anybody who isn’t brain dead. If that were the case those same people would go to Vandy, UNC, or Duke, not an SEC school. The fact that you actually think that people would go to an SEC school instead of an Ivy takes away any credibility you have.
southern ivies i.e. duke, uva, w&l, vandy, davidson, richmond, chapel hill, wake, w&m and a few others have students that turned down ivies. the sec, other than vandy, does not. sec academics are a joke, go to a southern ivy and you’ll have to work your ass off for a 3.7 , at an sec school you get an A for showing up.
Haha it amazes me how jealous you yankees are of the south, yall talk shit about it and then you come and move down here? Doesn’t make much sense. And I can tell you one thing most southerners would never move up north to go to your ivy league schools when we can attend a school near our homes in the south and make just as much money. But hey I feel bad for yall, ugly women in bulked up coats, snows half of the year, angry people everywhere, and just an overall shitty place.
Really? All the south does is hate on the north, you even have names for us and focus all your effort on describing why the north sucks so much. Up here we don’t really care if somebody comes from the south, yet down there if somebody were to find out somebody were a “yank”, as you describe, it becomes a huge deal. I wonder why.. Hmmm
^You sir are an idiot. Have you even been to the South? Everyone in the South is extremely friendly to all the Northerners that move down here and all yall do is make fun of the way we talk and call us uneducated, while the majority of us are book smarter and have more common sense than you. You know how often Yankees come down to the South needing someone to be their hunting/fishing guide, that is definately not frat at all, yall are ignorant and think you’re are so much better, but you’re not.
I’ve actually been in the south for school, so I know what it’s like. You guys probably do hunt more/better and I guess that doesn’t make us as frat as you guys unfortunately. We also do make fun of imbred people and your funny accents when southerners are brought up because it is funny. Other than that you really don’t exist to us in our day to day lives. I’m not gonna say it applies to everybody, because you’re right about many people being welcoming and friendly to northerners, but a large portion of you hate on the north and feel the need to pick out every little flaw you can find because of what I am guessing is jealousy. Trust me, I have heard it enough.
I’m studying economics in school…and one funny thing I did some research on was how money flows from the northern states to the southern states. For all you simpletons out there, that means that old wealth and money get’s taxed…and get’s placed into the hands of uneducated poor southerners. That alone proves that the south has more dumbfucks than Wyoming.
Check out the states with the most debt. None of them were in the south.
^Ah, your daily read… credible. I grew up in the South and live in the North and anytime I go back home I’m respected by people down there, just like I give them respect. People know I’m from the North since I don’t have an accent but since I’m not a fucking tool like this Buffalo bitch; I get just as much respect as I give. New York is a shit hole anyway.
^ you had more people, we had better leaders. If we had the same leaders as you the war would’ve ended sooner. That thus proves that leaders naturally come from the south. Plus Omicron, sorry but northern accents just piss me the fuck off, plus your rude as fuck and don’t know what it means to be a gentleman unless your trying to get in a girls pants. I will say the south does this but more tastefully and not always.
I find it funny that these southerners think that people would actually chose an SEC school over Harvard because of parties.If you didn’t know, some of the best parties in the country are at the ivies. UTexas accepts about 50% of their applicants. You know many harvard accepts? 5% bitch. You wouldn’t even get into Cornell if you got a 4.0…because southern high schools are shit. Hah I found this funny…..I was talking to a high school grad from texas. He didn’t even learn basic algebra! I learned algebra 1 in 6th grade and took advanced algebra in 8th grade. I took calculus 2 in high school..and I just finished up calc 3 in my first semester of college. You have to work your ass off to get girls and money…and it seems like you just have to show up to get those things in the south. Your governor (texas) is a joke. He had a 2.5 GPA from a shitty ass school in ANIMAL SCIENCE! What kind of garbage is that?! He also got a D in basic economics…what a freaking joke you southerners are.
When you get some brains, some wits, some dimes, and some money, you can come talk to me. But for right now…the north will always own the south.
Hahahaha and that’s one of the problems with the south; southerners associate footbawl with academic prestige. I bet you anything I’m going to a better school than you’ve ever dreamed of. I’m talking about alumni being US presidents, nobel prize winners, pulitzer prize winners, prime ministers, and yes even football players (James Starks…GB packers). Get your head out of the gutter and look at the academics before you say something like “You go to a MAC school”.
FYI, my macroeconomics teacher this past semester won the fucking nobel prize in economics. Who taught you macroeconomics? Rick Perry? Hah that’s what I thought.
You’re easily the biggest try-hard douche I have ever seen. Shut the fuck up. You obviously take the most vast stereotypes and take them as fact, especially regarding the SEC. You speak of the ivy league so much and you fucking go to buffalo. There are many SEC schools better than buffalo, such as vandy, Georgia, and Florida. And southerners don’t hate northerners for no reason, it’s f.aggot kids like you that ruin their reputation.
This logic is severely flawed, Buffalo. To say that not one person would choose an SEC school over Harvard is absurd. I will disprove it using only 2 words: I did. And I went to a southern high school. In fact, Harvard’s website states that they have students from all 50 states. That would certainly include the south.
I might be inclined to entertain your countless arguments about how southern “non-ivies'” degrees hold little to no value. However, I, along with more than 1 of my friends from southern schools, will be attending law school at Harvard in the fall. And since your University is so prestigious, and you are such the scholar, I look forward to seeing you there. Good day.
USNews has Buffalo at the #111 ranked school in the country so you can’t honestly sit there and tell me you’re getting a prestigious education. Stop acting like a child on this website and go suck off your econ teacher. You sound like a spoiled, insecure idiot so you probably need some help passing the class anyway.
Mississippigentleman your argument is flawed and makes absolutely no sense. I really doubt you got into harvard with that type of flawed logic or unless the sec school you chose was vandy.
1st to Secede are you really that stupid that you cant understand that the location of somebody’s school is not a determinant of their own wealth?
1. With your comment to the other guy, you’re now arguing the opposing point of the central argument on this thread. 2. Your claim isn’t backed by any evidence, and is wrong, since I got into Harvard twice. It takes more than going to an Ivy League school to get into Harvard Law. I have an impressive GPA, LSAT, and previous work history. All of which gave the admissions office the notion that I would continue to be successful at their institution.
The choosing or not choosing of a school also has more to do with which is the best school that you were accepted to. I had picked out the school I wanted to go to before applying based on school and family tradition. Being accepted to Texas, Vandy and especially Harvard just piqued my interest in which law schools I’d be able to attend.
So I’m sorry, but everything you’ve said is just false. I’ve already indulged your desire for justification enough so I won’t be coming back here to respond to whatever nonsensical statement you post next. Take care.
rankings are also bull shit because schools pay loads of money to put them in those spots. One ranking has Iowa State University being better than Dartmouth College. Really? That’s a joke.
And if you want to go by rankings, the School of Management at UB was ranked #9 in the nation by the Wall Street Journal.
Are you still pretending Buffalo is a good school? Also for future reference UT isn’t in the SEC and Buffalo is not an Ivy League school. And did you seriously call the south a joke because the governor of Texas got a D in economics? Might want to take a logic class at UBuffalo, not that it would do you much good at a garbage school like that.
I went to a Big Ten university, and once again, you go to a fucking MAC school. (MAC!) I don’t need to “look at the academics”; I already know my education was vastly superior to yours. Assuming everyone on this site is from SEC Country = The Buffalo Difference. Stop disparaging those south of the M-D.
Buffalo, the point here is that you’re telling us to stop flaunting our wealth, when you feel the need to make up things to attempt to gain respect on a satirical website for yourself and your school. This former U.S. president that you speak of was Millard Fillmore, and he worked as Chancellor for your school, never attended it. This professor that won a nobel prize in economics retired (as a professor) in 1958. If you honestly believe no one intelligent comes from an SEC school, do a simple search of “Whatever school in the SEC people” and then tell me that your school is all-knowing and basically an Ivy.
Btw…there are a lot of very good schools in the south..and the people who graduate from them probably are true southern gentlemen…and true preps. I have no beef against them. I just have beef against people who are fake and act like they are so much better than everyone else. If you really were better than everyone else…you wouldn’t spell it out so the whole world can see how big of a douche you are.
Being a prep is about being humble.
P.s….I bet the founders of this site don’t have a clue how to sail…so why is a sailboat TFM’s logo?
You’re the one bragging about your pestigious family, great school, and how you have a fucking sailboat…are you sure you’re not in a sorority cause you’re quite the bitch.
^^^^”Being a prep is about being humble”
1. No, it really isn’t. People with class have humility, but not all “preps” (i can’t believe I’m typing that fucking word) have class.
2. Nothing you are saying is humble
3. I think you have a hard on for preppy dudes (cue Fratdusky)
4. Continually commenting on your own post is going to get you ripped apart
5. Are you serious, or did you just successfully troll our asses?
I attended the 20th ranked high school in America and also took cal 2 in high school. I actually entered school as a sophomore with the amount of AP credit I earned. Guess what? I did it in the south. I have also managed to maintain a 4.0 through my first three semesters at an SEC school. Was it easy? Not in the least. Was it exceptionally hard? No. With a 4.0, my connections and extracurriculars will I one day end up on Wall Street? Not a chance in hell. What you do not understand is that I and my southern brothers have no intentions of migrating to north. I myself am perfectly comfortable eventually reaching a salary comparable to my father’s (down the road of course) and living a fairly luxurious and comfortable lifestyle. I also doubt you are attending an ivy with your multiple obvious spelling errors. So, stay up north and go fuck yourself.
Lol at accepting that you aren’t going to amount to much. If you had trouble maintaining a 4.0 at an SEC school you are fucking stupid too so I guess you couldn’t handle a real job anyway. LOLOLOL
As I said before, I attend the University of Buffalo…I’m 4th generation. I got into cornell and UPenn but unfortunately didn’t get into Harvard, Brown, or dartmouth. I’m studying economics and business…and I probably will work on wall street…or get a Ph.D and go into teaching at universities. By the way, I attended the Commonwealth School in boston…it’s top in the nation as well. If your comfortable in the south, fine, but what I’m saying is simple: people who act like they have a lot of money obviously don’t. People who act like their the next greatest thing since Walt Disney aren’t. People who act like their the smartest kids on the planet, aren’t. I’m not saying I’m a genius…and I’m not saying I’m awesome in every way. I’m just saying that the real true preps in this country don’t flaunt what they have.
13 years ago at 1:41 pm“I’d never hit a woman in my entire life but I swear to God in my mind right now I am pummeling your smug face to a pulp for everything you did to me, my career and my family. But not to worry all right. Because I will prevail, because I’m a winner and you’re a whore with more cleavage than talent. And I will not stop untill I destroy you.”
-Ari Gold
13 years ago at 1:50 pmThe Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a fantasy novel for children by C. S. Lewis. Published in 1950 and set circa 1940, it is the first-published book of The Chronicles of Narnia and is the best known book of the series. Although it was written and published first, it is second in the series’ internal chronological order, after The Magician’s Nephew. Time magazine included the novel in its TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005.[1] It has also been published in 47 foreign languages.
13 years ago at 2:27 pm^
13 years ago at 3:37 pmYour name, NF.
13 years ago at 11:04 pm^Pow
13 years ago at 11:20 pmDo you work there, broski?
13 years ago at 1:48 pmI don’t typically go shopping in a suit.
13 years ago at 1:52 pmDoesn’t seem very practical.
13 years ago at 1:57 pm^^Beat me to it.
13 years ago at 2:54 pmObviously I don’t work there. Common sense. And nah came in with a polo, khakis, and polo hat. Btw….why is this place run by Dumbfuck southerners? Come to Boston and my summer house on Nantucket and I’ll show you real wealth and prep. Hah….like an SEC school is actually good.
13 years ago at 1:57 pmJust wait and see how many fucks are given about this^.
13 years ago at 2:00 pm^this haha
13 years ago at 2:09 pmWhat low rate fucking Brooks Brother store do you live near that lets their employees wear Polo hats? Seems a little backwards to me for an employee of Brooks Brothers to wear another brand’s merchandise on the clock.
13 years ago at 2:11 pmIt’s true. This site is run by new money losers who think some of the smallest things are worth bragging about. It’s pathetic, and if they actually had vast amounts of wealth they wouldn’t feel the need to preach about it. The cost of living in the south is so fucking cheap almost anywhere compared to the north, so it doesn’t surprise me to see people bragging about the dumbest shit since its impressive to them and their low standard of living. If any of them stepped on an Ivy league campus or a private school campus for that matter they’d probably begin to understand how pathetic they really are. It’s pretty easy to be considered rich when you go to a public school in the south and have some nice things. I know for a fact the GDI’s at these schools are practically on welfare.
13 years ago at 2:11 pmNice try troll, but I’ve attended both and there was far more welfare in the Ivys than at any SEC school. And Nantucket? That’s the best you can do. Sad.
13 years ago at 2:17 pm^^ you are so right. I’m a 4th generation student at the University of Buffalo (it was private for 116 years before it became public in ’62). All of my cousins go to Ivy Leagues…mostly dartmouth. I see this TFM thing as a complete joke. Real preps…don’t brag about their money. Real preps summer on nantucket, the vineyard, the cape, or rhode island (personally we have houses on nantucket and newport, RI).
I get the whole quintessential southern gentlemen thing…but youre not a prep and a “frat star” if you go to the University of Texas (shittiest school out there). You’re a southern prep if you are quiet, humble, smart, and go to a school like UNC or Virginia. Most of these kids on this site (from what I’ve seen) are just plain douschebags. Look at that “fratfellas” video…it’s just pure dousche! A REAL prep and a REAL old money gentleman wouldn’t say those things, wouldn’t brag, they would keep to themselves and act like a leader.
So please gentlemen…being a dousche isn’t cool…and it ain’t prep. What is prep is acting like a true gentleman…probably the way your parents taught you when you were a kid. That’s how we are in the northeast…and you seem like you aspire to be like us.
13 years ago at 2:19 pm^^ Vanderbilt is an exception, but you are delusional if you think that even a top tier SEC frat god would not be laughed at and ridiculed at an ivy. What school did you attend where this wouldn’t be the case?
13 years ago at 2:31 pmYou spelled “douche” wrong.
13 years ago at 2:33 pmYou’re talking shit about people bragging, and then you come on here talking about all your vacation homes? You should just shut the fuck up you yankee trash, the South is classier and richer than the North. Why do you think all you yankee trash want to come live here? You think that you’re frat cause you go to the University of Buffalo? I bet your slams look like Thelma from Scooby Doo, so don’t open your mouth you fuckin liberal.
13 years ago at 2:35 pmIt’s how you make of it. Vandy is obviously a VERY good school…won’t disagree with you there. Let’s say you’re a complete gentleman…you’re smart…wealthy…have old money…don’t flash it around…then yes you’re prep and you got a good head on your shoulders. BUT, if you are flashy with your money, study animal science at texas a&m (rick perry), and are a complete dousche…you’re not prep…you’re just a jerk.
I get girls all day every day (although I’ve had a GF for 7 months now). Being a dousche doesn’t mean success. Being well mannered and smart (and not lazy) equals success. That’s how my family has done it for the past 100+ years…and it’s worked thus far.
13 years ago at 2:37 pmWhy the fuck can you not spell “douche” even after being corrected? Shouldn’t your wonderful northern schools be teaching you something?
13 years ago at 9:57 pm^
13 years ago at 1:40 amBuffalo sounds like an insecure f.a.g
13 years ago at 3:15 pmLet’s think about this real quick. You’re wearing a polo, khakis, and a polo hat and people are asking you if you work at Brooks Brothers. My only conclusion is that the consumers who frequent this particular Brooks Brothers store are all fucking idiots.
13 years ago at 3:18 pm^Of course they’re fucking indiots, the store was in the north, which means the people are probally from the north…
13 years ago at 3:43 pmEveryone above me: “It’s so not classy to brag about money. I totally don’t brag about my homes in nantucket and incredible amounts of wealth, for example.”
13 years ago at 4:24 pmI see what you did there.
13 years ago at 1:21 pm^Haha exactly what I’ve been trying to tell this Buffalo queer.
13 years ago at 4:28 pm“The SOuthe is fool of egonorant dumb dousche bags”-Buffalofan4255
13 years ago at 4:43 pmEasy there stupid, we don’t want you to hurt yourself with 6 letter words like “douche” with which you spelled with 7 letters…
Also why did you even comment on your post? This is a satirical website so naturally you wouldn’t need to explain yourself by saying you do not work there. Nice polo references though, that’s how we know you are a true ‘fratstar’. “I was wearing a button down Ralph Lauren shirt unbuttoned enough you could see my polo tat with a polo belt and a backward polo hat, fuck I frat hard!”
If only you weren’t such a simpleton, you would have known that you didn’t quote me right…and that’s not even close to what I said I was wearing. But I guess republicans are good at lying their asses off.
13 years ago at 4:48 pmno I know, I was completely making fun of you….for being a moron try hard piece of shit. You are a moron, literally the dumbest pledge I’ve talked to. I didn’t lie you cum stain I was exaggerating. kill yourself
13 years ago at 4:53 pm^Hahaha THIS!
13 years ago at 5:42 pmI stopped reading after Success, who goes to the University of Buffalo, called the University of Texas the “shittiest school out there”. I’m fairly confident most of the high schools around here are more competitive than the University of Buffalo. Just to add to the irony he went on and on about how a true “old money prep” would never brag on a website while in the process letting us know about his summer houses. Success, you are an absolute tool and nobody here cares about what you have to say you “prep” clown. Lastly, it is douche, not dousche, you douche.
13 years ago at 5:43 pmIdiot…you know what average SAT score is here? 1950. Utexas’s average is a 1670. And you call Texas more selective. Average gpa at UB is a 95.
13 years ago at 6:00 pmThose are just numbers, not a GPA. And no, that’s just not even close to true.
13 years ago at 1:44 amPeople were called “preps” in middle school. My God the north sucks…
13 years ago at 5:55 pmI don’t remember mentioning how selective Buffalo is but I do find your stats fairly surprising considering Buffalo is ranked #111 in US News & World Report’s rankings while UT is #45. I’m sure you’re pretty smart though considering practically all your cousins go to Ivy’s. I’ve seen some pretty delusional people on this site but you might be the most.
13 years ago at 7:40 pmBoom!!!!
13 years ago at 1:26 pmBuffalo, you are the epitome of what is wrong with this country. You, your school, and your wealth is not impressive in any way. Not to mention the fact that you cannot put together a logical sentence. If you had any self-respect you would not need to defend and brag about your father’s accomplishments, if they are even real claims. Kindly shove an oddly shaped trophy up your ass and keep pushing until it comes out of your mouth, so you can never speak again. Oh, and if you think that anyone here is jealous that you go to a mediocre university with a horrible greek system, you are mistaken.
13 years ago at 8:17 pmits true the north is a pile of frozen spunk nuggets.
13 years ago at 3:06 amyou sir, are an embarrassment to the state of MA. And being from MA. Ill be the first to admit Boston is the most Geed city in America. so go back to your JUCO college while the SEC and the south will keep making people like you look poor. Im sure any chapter from any southern state can afford one trip to Nantucket, rent a better house, and put you little shack to shame. And seriously, a buffalo fan? go to canada you idiot.
13 years ago at 9:15 amI think this is Buffalofan
13 years ago at 3:40 pmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzNistjDFcg&feature=related
13 years ago at 3:44 pm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Her name is Velma, you shit.
13 years ago at 9:21 pmHaha and there is alot more old money in the South compared to the North, I’m sure alot of the people who go to Bama, Ole Miss, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida were actually accepted to your yankee ivy league schools but chose not to go because they prefer better parties, hotter women, warmer weather, and better golfcourses.
13 years ago at 2:38 pmhey bro, theres way more money in the north than the south. thats a fact. its how you use your money that really counts.
13 years ago at 2:51 pmNo, they actually don’t. Those schools accept anybody who isn’t brain dead. If that were the case those same people would go to Vandy, UNC, or Duke, not an SEC school. The fact that you actually think that people would go to an SEC school instead of an Ivy takes away any credibility you have.
13 years ago at 2:51 pmsouthern ivies i.e. duke, uva, w&l, vandy, davidson, richmond, chapel hill, wake, w&m and a few others have students that turned down ivies. the sec, other than vandy, does not. sec academics are a joke, go to a southern ivy and you’ll have to work your ass off for a 3.7 , at an sec school you get an A for showing up.
13 years ago at 2:58 pmHaha it amazes me how jealous you yankees are of the south, yall talk shit about it and then you come and move down here? Doesn’t make much sense. And I can tell you one thing most southerners would never move up north to go to your ivy league schools when we can attend a school near our homes in the south and make just as much money. But hey I feel bad for yall, ugly women in bulked up coats, snows half of the year, angry people everywhere, and just an overall shitty place.
13 years ago at 3:42 pm^This! Proves that the south does frat hard.
13 years ago at 3:44 pm^Can’t tell if you agree with me or not haha
13 years ago at 3:49 pmI very much agree with you!
13 years ago at 3:51 pmReally? All the south does is hate on the north, you even have names for us and focus all your effort on describing why the north sucks so much. Up here we don’t really care if somebody comes from the south, yet down there if somebody were to find out somebody were a “yank”, as you describe, it becomes a huge deal. I wonder why.. Hmmm
13 years ago at 3:56 pm^You sir are an idiot. Have you even been to the South? Everyone in the South is extremely friendly to all the Northerners that move down here and all yall do is make fun of the way we talk and call us uneducated, while the majority of us are book smarter and have more common sense than you. You know how often Yankees come down to the South needing someone to be their hunting/fishing guide, that is definately not frat at all, yall are ignorant and think you’re are so much better, but you’re not.
13 years ago at 4:10 pmOmicron just shut the fuck up. Please it’s not the souths fault that you should have been swallowed.
13 years ago at 4:18 pmI’ve actually been in the south for school, so I know what it’s like. You guys probably do hunt more/better and I guess that doesn’t make us as frat as you guys unfortunately. We also do make fun of imbred people and your funny accents when southerners are brought up because it is funny. Other than that you really don’t exist to us in our day to day lives. I’m not gonna say it applies to everybody, because you’re right about many people being welcoming and friendly to northerners, but a large portion of you hate on the north and feel the need to pick out every little flaw you can find because of what I am guessing is jealousy. Trust me, I have heard it enough.
13 years ago at 4:28 pmWhy in God’s green earth would the South be jealous of the north? There isn’t one thing that the north is better at!
13 years ago at 4:32 pmI’m studying economics in school…and one funny thing I did some research on was how money flows from the northern states to the southern states. For all you simpletons out there, that means that old wealth and money get’s taxed…and get’s placed into the hands of uneducated poor southerners. That alone proves that the south has more dumbfucks than Wyoming.
13 years ago at 4:33 pm^http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/24/states-debt-combined-may-exceed-4-trillion_n_1029162.html#s429800&title=4_North_Dakota
13 years ago at 4:59 pmCheck out the states with the most debt. None of them were in the south.
13 years ago at 5:00 pm^Ah, your daily read… credible. I grew up in the South and live in the North and anytime I go back home I’m respected by people down there, just like I give them respect. People know I’m from the North since I don’t have an accent but since I’m not a fucking tool like this Buffalo bitch; I get just as much respect as I give. New York is a shit hole anyway.
13 years ago at 6:01 pmThe north is better at winning wars.
13 years ago at 8:44 pm^ you had more people, we had better leaders. If we had the same leaders as you the war would’ve ended sooner. That thus proves that leaders naturally come from the south. Plus Omicron, sorry but northern accents just piss me the fuck off, plus your rude as fuck and don’t know what it means to be a gentleman unless your trying to get in a girls pants. I will say the south does this but more tastefully and not always.
13 years ago at 1:42 pmBingo
13 years ago at 1:46 pmSo take off your nametag…
13 years ago at 2:40 pmI find it funny that these southerners think that people would actually chose an SEC school over Harvard because of parties.If you didn’t know, some of the best parties in the country are at the ivies. UTexas accepts about 50% of their applicants. You know many harvard accepts? 5% bitch. You wouldn’t even get into Cornell if you got a 4.0…because southern high schools are shit. Hah I found this funny…..I was talking to a high school grad from texas. He didn’t even learn basic algebra! I learned algebra 1 in 6th grade and took advanced algebra in 8th grade. I took calculus 2 in high school..and I just finished up calc 3 in my first semester of college. You have to work your ass off to get girls and money…and it seems like you just have to show up to get those things in the south. Your governor (texas) is a joke. He had a 2.5 GPA from a shitty ass school in ANIMAL SCIENCE! What kind of garbage is that?! He also got a D in basic economics…what a freaking joke you southerners are.
When you get some brains, some wits, some dimes, and some money, you can come talk to me. But for right now…the north will always own the south.
13 years ago at 3:08 pm^adderall induced rants. FAF
13 years ago at 3:16 pm^^and everyone down here knows rick perry is a joke. The Dr is getting my vote
13 years ago at 3:18 pmHahahaha and that’s one of the problems with the south; southerners associate footbawl with academic prestige. I bet you anything I’m going to a better school than you’ve ever dreamed of. I’m talking about alumni being US presidents, nobel prize winners, pulitzer prize winners, prime ministers, and yes even football players (James Starks…GB packers). Get your head out of the gutter and look at the academics before you say something like “You go to a MAC school”.
FYI, my macroeconomics teacher this past semester won the fucking nobel prize in economics. Who taught you macroeconomics? Rick Perry? Hah that’s what I thought.
13 years ago at 4:37 pmYou’re easily the biggest try-hard douche I have ever seen. Shut the fuck up. You obviously take the most vast stereotypes and take them as fact, especially regarding the SEC. You speak of the ivy league so much and you fucking go to buffalo. There are many SEC schools better than buffalo, such as vandy, Georgia, and Florida. And southerners don’t hate northerners for no reason, it’s f.aggot kids like you that ruin their reputation.
13 years ago at 5:27 pmThanks for googling pro football players that went to your shitty school so I didn’t have to.
13 years ago at 1:53 am^ Your macroeconomics teacher only passed you cause he’s gay and you slept with him…
13 years ago at 4:42 pmI find it funny you have the free time of a protester to continuously comment/defend your shitty TFM
13 years ago at 4:44 pmThis logic is severely flawed, Buffalo. To say that not one person would choose an SEC school over Harvard is absurd. I will disprove it using only 2 words: I did. And I went to a southern high school. In fact, Harvard’s website states that they have students from all 50 states. That would certainly include the south.
I might be inclined to entertain your countless arguments about how southern “non-ivies'” degrees hold little to no value. However, I, along with more than 1 of my friends from southern schools, will be attending law school at Harvard in the fall. And since your University is so prestigious, and you are such the scholar, I look forward to seeing you there. Good day.
13 years ago at 4:59 pmBoom^
13 years ago at 1:37 pmBuffalo is the third poorest city in America, so you really shouldn’t talk about money.
13 years ago at 4:59 pmUSNews has Buffalo at the #111 ranked school in the country so you can’t honestly sit there and tell me you’re getting a prestigious education. Stop acting like a child on this website and go suck off your econ teacher. You sound like a spoiled, insecure idiot so you probably need some help passing the class anyway.
13 years ago at 5:05 pmMississippigentleman your argument is flawed and makes absolutely no sense. I really doubt you got into harvard with that type of flawed logic or unless the sec school you chose was vandy.
1st to Secede are you really that stupid that you cant understand that the location of somebody’s school is not a determinant of their own wealth?
13 years ago at 5:14 pm1. With your comment to the other guy, you’re now arguing the opposing point of the central argument on this thread. 2. Your claim isn’t backed by any evidence, and is wrong, since I got into Harvard twice. It takes more than going to an Ivy League school to get into Harvard Law. I have an impressive GPA, LSAT, and previous work history. All of which gave the admissions office the notion that I would continue to be successful at their institution.
The choosing or not choosing of a school also has more to do with which is the best school that you were accepted to. I had picked out the school I wanted to go to before applying based on school and family tradition. Being accepted to Texas, Vandy and especially Harvard just piqued my interest in which law schools I’d be able to attend.
So I’m sorry, but everything you’ve said is just false. I’ve already indulged your desire for justification enough so I won’t be coming back here to respond to whatever nonsensical statement you post next. Take care.
13 years ago at 5:32 pmrankings are also bull shit because schools pay loads of money to put them in those spots. One ranking has Iowa State University being better than Dartmouth College. Really? That’s a joke.
And if you want to go by rankings, the School of Management at UB was ranked #9 in the nation by the Wall Street Journal.
13 years ago at 5:36 pmAre you still pretending Buffalo is a good school? Also for future reference UT isn’t in the SEC and Buffalo is not an Ivy League school. And did you seriously call the south a joke because the governor of Texas got a D in economics? Might want to take a logic class at UBuffalo, not that it would do you much good at a garbage school like that.
13 years ago at 7:44 pmI went to a Big Ten university, and once again, you go to a fucking MAC school. (MAC!) I don’t need to “look at the academics”; I already know my education was vastly superior to yours. Assuming everyone on this site is from SEC Country = The Buffalo Difference. Stop disparaging those south of the M-D.
13 years ago at 8:35 pmBuffalo, the point here is that you’re telling us to stop flaunting our wealth, when you feel the need to make up things to attempt to gain respect on a satirical website for yourself and your school. This former U.S. president that you speak of was Millard Fillmore, and he worked as Chancellor for your school, never attended it. This professor that won a nobel prize in economics retired (as a professor) in 1958. If you honestly believe no one intelligent comes from an SEC school, do a simple search of “Whatever school in the SEC people” and then tell me that your school is all-knowing and basically an Ivy.
13 years ago at 8:45 amBtw…there are a lot of very good schools in the south..and the people who graduate from them probably are true southern gentlemen…and true preps. I have no beef against them. I just have beef against people who are fake and act like they are so much better than everyone else. If you really were better than everyone else…you wouldn’t spell it out so the whole world can see how big of a douche you are.
Being a prep is about being humble.
P.s….I bet the founders of this site don’t have a clue how to sail…so why is a sailboat TFM’s logo?
13 years ago at 3:18 pmWhy are you getting so butthurt?
13 years ago at 3:26 pmbecause sailboats are FAF bro! lol
13 years ago at 3:26 pmLiterally shut up. You’re fucking annoying
13 years ago at 3:27 pmYou’re the one bragging about your pestigious family, great school, and how you have a fucking sailboat…are you sure you’re not in a sorority cause you’re quite the bitch.
13 years ago at 3:46 pm^^^^”Being a prep is about being humble”
13 years ago at 5:33 pm1. No, it really isn’t. People with class have humility, but not all “preps” (i can’t believe I’m typing that fucking word) have class.
2. Nothing you are saying is humble
3. I think you have a hard on for preppy dudes (cue Fratdusky)
4. Continually commenting on your own post is going to get you ripped apart
5. Are you serious, or did you just successfully troll our asses?
God I know, I don’t know if I want to murder him or shake his hand
13 years ago at 5:36 pmEach one of you have small dicks.
13 years ago at 3:29 pm^Fratdusky told me yours was the perfet size for him.
13 years ago at 4:11 pm*perfect… Lap
13 years ago at 6:40 pmI attended the 20th ranked high school in America and also took cal 2 in high school. I actually entered school as a sophomore with the amount of AP credit I earned. Guess what? I did it in the south. I have also managed to maintain a 4.0 through my first three semesters at an SEC school. Was it easy? Not in the least. Was it exceptionally hard? No. With a 4.0, my connections and extracurriculars will I one day end up on Wall Street? Not a chance in hell. What you do not understand is that I and my southern brothers have no intentions of migrating to north. I myself am perfectly comfortable eventually reaching a salary comparable to my father’s (down the road of course) and living a fairly luxurious and comfortable lifestyle. I also doubt you are attending an ivy with your multiple obvious spelling errors. So, stay up north and go fuck yourself.
13 years ago at 3:30 pm^Reply to Buffalo’s fa.g.got ass^
13 years ago at 3:31 pmLol at accepting that you aren’t going to amount to much. If you had trouble maintaining a 4.0 at an SEC school you are fucking stupid too so I guess you couldn’t handle a real job anyway. LOLOLOL
13 years ago at 3:35 pm^^^Couldn’t have said it better myself, why would we go up north to school when we can attend school in a much better place haha
13 years ago at 3:44 pmAs I said before, I attend the University of Buffalo…I’m 4th generation. I got into cornell and UPenn but unfortunately didn’t get into Harvard, Brown, or dartmouth. I’m studying economics and business…and I probably will work on wall street…or get a Ph.D and go into teaching at universities. By the way, I attended the Commonwealth School in boston…it’s top in the nation as well. If your comfortable in the south, fine, but what I’m saying is simple: people who act like they have a lot of money obviously don’t. People who act like their the next greatest thing since Walt Disney aren’t. People who act like their the smartest kids on the planet, aren’t. I’m not saying I’m a genius…and I’m not saying I’m awesome in every way. I’m just saying that the real true preps in this country don’t flaunt what they have.
13 years ago at 3:49 pm^ Apparently the “real true preps in this country” also don’t know the difference between “you’re” and “your,” or between “they’re” and “their.”
13 years ago at 3:52 pmBuffalo is probally a spoiled fifth grader that just got a laptop for Christmas.
13 years ago at 4:04 pm^^^^^^ A Duke Professor thinks that an SEC school is one of the hardest colleges in the nation to make an “A” in.
13 years ago at 5:16 pmSEC Frat…could not have said it better myself. Frat on
13 years ago at 5:17 pmYou got in to Cornell and UPenn, but ended up at Buffalo? That’s the biggest load of shit ever.
You’re clearly in no fucking position to judge the intelligence of anyone on this website.
13 years ago at 8:45 pmSEC Frat, you must be the Risk Management Chair.
13 years ago at 9:51 pm