The BCS Championship endzones should be clearly painted TFM and NF. TFM.

    1. KG

      Maybe out of the entire nation, Auburn is frat. In the SEC, Auburn is lower tier, just above Florida.

      14 years ago at 1:11 am
    1. west is best

      Im proud of you southerners you all found an insult that was cool the first time now you guys ruined it by overuse. Frat E. Lee you sir our an embarrassment google founders of nike and get your head out of your ass.

      14 years ago at 10:53 am
  1. Brodyssius

    Auburn is a second-tier “greek” school…but Oregon is full of ugly liberals which make it inherently NF.

    14 years ago at 11:49 pm
  2. charleston 1861

    went to the auburn game this year and they are faf. oregon not only has graphic jerseys, but graphic helmets for this game. wouldn’t be suprised to see them come out with cargo pants when it comes gametime.

    14 years ago at 1:04 am
    1. hazeway

      lol doesn’t surprise me that comment comes from the West Coast. Graphic should be abolished.

      14 years ago at 5:37 pm
  3. XO

    Yah that’s a great idea! and after Oregon wins the championship the hats on Oregon shouls read “I told you so” and Auburn will walk away passing their TFM end zone with their heads down. Sorry boys, but being frat doesn’t win you a game of football.

    14 years ago at 1:04 am
    1. vv

      The post (and this site) is about being frat; it said nothing about winning the game, dumbass. Your ignorance disgusts me.

      14 years ago at 3:20 am
  4. northside

    The south has the highest percentages of fat people and the lowest literacy rates. We should have let you secede, you’d be a third-world country by now.

    14 years ago at 1:45 am
    1. uva 1868

      that is why we joined the greek system in the first place. It’s for the privileged, who aren’t fat, and are literate. Now go create a site where you belong.

      14 years ago at 3:28 am