The pledge fetches.

    1. Joeyholladay

      Thank you for pointing out the obvious ‘Brother’…if that is your real name.

      13 years ago at 1:36 pm
    2. CokeytheBear

      The gun is probably loaded so its really dangerous! if you’ve ever been around any kind of hunting gun you would realize there is absolutely no real danger in this picture. dont give me that “always treat a gun like it’s loaded bullshit either”, last time I checked even when my Beretta is loaded it would be fucking impossible for a dog, or anyone but an experienced human, to handle the safety which engages every time you close the barrel. Get the fuck off this site and leave this picture for the real outdoorsmen

      13 years ago at 3:28 pm
    3. CokeytheBear

      ^Only time I’m in the closet is to get my Silver Pigeon out. Not frat because you have no idea what that is?

      13 years ago at 6:34 pm
    4. Pharaoh of Frats

      Beretta* and if you’ve never heard of one then you aren’t American. I shoot a White Wing Special by the way.

      13 years ago at 11:27 pm
    5. Airborne InFratry

      I don’t know how never hearing about an Italian gun manufacturer makes you not American. ^^

      13 years ago at 1:52 am
    6. Fratter than Fuck

      The comment was pointing out his lack of spelling ability. Also, Fuck Italy.

      13 years ago at 10:09 am
    7. CokeytheBear

      So anything foreign made is now NF? then you’re not frat if you own anything sperry, southern tide, polo, southern marsh, or brooks. Nice try though you fucking poser. When you’ve used both a Beretta and a Browning as a field gun then come talk to me (any seasoned hunter would agree that Beretta’s weight and swing motion is favorable for field game), but until then leave the firearm talk to us who have actually used one on more than a few occasions

      13 years ago at 10:00 pm
    8. CokeytheBear

      Dont get me wrong, I always buy American when at all possible/practical , but if you honestly think that Browning can rival the quality and craftsmanship of some foreign brands (Beretta, Kreighoff) then you honestly know nothing about guns

      13 years ago at 10:08 pm
    9. ThetaSigma Fratty

      I’ll bet nobody knew that we had the world’s foremost authority on hunting commenting here…go take a lap and come back when your hunting boner goes away.

      12 years ago at 8:16 am
    1. legalizehazing

      Getting sick of the links to gay ass shows. 30 Rock is for the geeds same with how i met your mother.
      If your not watching a game get off the couch and do something productive, like getting me a beer.

      13 years ago at 11:21 pm