There is just something about geeds averting their eyes as I walk by that just warms me inside. TFM.

    1. The Fratz

      CCpone, you must be confused. There are only two things my jizz warms, the inside of your slampiece’s mouth and the inside of her vagina. By the way, thanks for buying her all of that Plan B for when you thought YOU got her pregnant.

      14 years ago at 7:24 pm
    2. The Fratz

      Good for you, I’m so glad they separated the TFMs from TSMs so all the sorostitutes can make their “funny” girl jokes and keep to themselves while the men can share the things that are really funny. The sad thing is that they never should have had to separate them at all because there never should have been a TSM at all, just slammys making sandwiches as we write the TFMs.

      14 years ago at 11:02 pm