The G.I. Bill. Providing quality pledge educators since 1944. TFM.

  1. Parachutist

    Nothing quite puts the fear of god in a freshmen pledge like a soldier who just got back from Iraq a month before the start of the semester. He made a pledge cry when he told him “I just want to let you know… I’ve killed people… A lot younger, and a lot smarter than you”.

    13 years ago at 12:06 pm
    1. SouthernByGodsGrace

      ^ bubbahog, I wish you would have been a cum stain on your hippy father’s bell-bottoms.

      13 years ago at 12:35 pm
    2. a2theb

      Our chapters current pledge marshall was a navy seal. You can almost taste the fear in the air at line ups

      13 years ago at 1:14 pm
    3. CorporateLaw

      Ours is a 6’6″ Marine with photographic memory. He knows everything you ever said.

      13 years ago at 1:44 pm