My online brokerage account just asked me to update my security questions... Among other things, it asked, "where I vacation, my grandfather's nickname, and what fraternity I am in." Value based algorithm. TFM.
Good looks; yes, it was with my ameritrade apex account. These questions are better than my old scottrade account which asked childish questions about favorite movies and tv shows.
Any brokerage account would ask those questions. You could be a Chinese exchange student in jargos and get those same questions.
14 years ago at 8:57 pmI’m sure his responses to those questions were a little different than a Chinese exchange student in jargos
14 years ago at 9:28 pmtdameritrade?
14 years ago at 9:10 pmGood looks; yes, it was with my ameritrade apex account. These questions are better than my old scottrade account which asked childish questions about favorite movies and tv shows.
14 years ago at 9:52 pmWho the fuck is from Delaware
14 years ago at 10:49 amHalf of the U.S. publicly-traded corporations and 300 of the Fortune 500 companies are incorporated in Delaware… That’s who.
14 years ago at 1:55 pm