180 Underage Drinking Charges Handed Out At University Of Delaware Fraternity Party


Hours before a 17-point loss to football juggernaut Wake Forest, students of the University of Delaware (I think that’s Joe Flacco’s high school?) were eager to preemptively drown their sorrows in some of the devil’s tax-free nectar, brought to you by the notorious underground fraternity APES. But, thanks to a concerted effort by Delaware State and local police, plus UD’s own police force — the fightin’ blue pigs — the attending students paid dearly.

Newark, DE police shut down the “unsanctioned fraternity party” and arrested 180 people on charges of underage drinking. That’s right: 180. The men in blue were out for blood.

From WDEL:

According to Newark Police, a joint ‘pre-planned controlled party dispersal operation’ was conducted with assistance from Delaware State Police, University of Delaware Police, Middletown Police, and Delaware Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement on Saturday, September 17, 2016, at the APES fraternity at a residence in the 300 block of East Park Place.

The party saw 200 guests attend, and alcohol was observed being freely distributed to the guests, many of whom were under 21, police said.

At 4 p.m., a search warrant was executed at the residence.

One subject was transported unresponsive to Christiana Hospital for an alcohol overdose, where they were treated and released.

According to her friends, the unresponsive student was “fine” and “just going through some shit right now.”

The near 200 students, arrested for doing what every single college student has done in the history of forever, were referred to the UD Office of Student Conduct for further discipline. Suffice it to say, the men of APES are in some hot water, too.

Good on the Delaware State (I just double checked, it’s still a state) Police and all the local police forces for fighting the good fight and keeping alcohol out of the hands of evil minors, but, with all due respect, what else is there to do at the University of Delaware? If these 180-odd kids get the boot from UD, they should consider it a blessing in disguise. A recent study concluded 72 percent of 8th graders couldn’t identify Delaware on the map. Of the 28 percent who could, 27 percent of them thought it was just “Philadelphia’s dick.”

Deer Park and a handful of other decent college bars not-withstanding, who really wants to go to a college in a bottom-tier state (it’s too small, according to Jared) when the team sucks and you can’t drink until you’re 21?

Get your GED and transfer to Temple or ‘Nova.

[via WDEL]

Image via YouTube

  1. Chadwick Brice

    Man, good thing there weren’t any other important crimes going on in Delaware that night

    8 years ago at 7:37 pm
    1. FrattyStafford

      In all seriousness the ridiculous thing is that some areas around campus are dangerous shitholes. A couple of guys I know have been jumped on UD’s campus not a cop in sight.

      8 years ago at 8:38 am
      1. Chadwick Brice

        Yea I looked in the news for shits and gigs and there were actually multiple shootings over the weekend too so there’s that

        8 years ago at 4:27 pm
  2. J.W. Dundee

    The man collects his money one way or another, and they’re always more than happy to get it from college students trying to have a good time

    8 years ago at 7:48 pm
  3. Uptown Frat

    Why didn’t some of them run? It’s every man for himself at that point

    8 years ago at 8:18 pm
      1. fratsohardUn1versity

        I went there. The Day Drink scene is huge there and people go in and out more freely than at night parties. Multiple backyards are generally used the police dress in regular close and go in undercover. There were most likely 8 to 10 cops there undercover and more came. And yes UD has dangerous parts around it yet the cops worry about day drinks

        8 years ago at 4:58 pm
  4. 6CupShooter

    Maybe if the school put more money into our football program to make it remotely entertaining, there would be less of a problem of underage drinking at dages on Saturdays. Until there is an alternative, the police need to realize it won’t stop.

    8 years ago at 9:21 pm
    1. inhocFaF

      Nah, a better team would probably equal the same amount of drinking, if not more.

      8 years ago at 9:44 am
  5. cougslayer

    They forgot to mention that this was a philanthropy event meant to raise money to donate to the American Cancer Society. The cops took and kept over $1000 that was going to be donated

    8 years ago at 5:52 pm