The Episcopalian Church ordains gay men as ministers. That’s about as NF as you can possibly get. They are consistently one of the driving forces in left-wing religious movements. Episcopalians are Diet Catholics
as long as you do not attend a non-denom church where the “pastor” is “totally rocking” true religions on a giant TV screen than you are ok with me. cut those dredlocks before you step into the house of the lord geed.
They said that the original Christian church separated into the two we know today, Orthodoxy and Catholicism. the original christian church used the fundamentals from both of those.
Catholics? Wow they let any geeds post on this site now. The Pope actually sent an edict that led to the murdering of the first real fraternity in the West known as the Knights Templar. Most Catholics hate fraternities and fraternal organizations. This is why only one U.S. President was Catholic… and he didn’t last long (JFK). Maybe in the north Catholics are different but in the south they are all Obama worshipers who listen to reggeaton and salsa. WASP all day!
Obama worshipers? Really? Dont be dumb. Lets get this all straightened up here. We hate all things liberal. And sweetheart, have you never seen how conservative this site is? Next time, dont post until you get your facts straight.
i’m catholic and am very much conservative and i live in texas. catholics are also known for hazing the shit out of europe and creating something called the holy roman empire. and nowdays religion wouldnt have much to do with running for president. shit if they let a black man become president i don’t see the problem with a catholic being president. Obama worshippers who listen to reggaeton and salsa….. yea. right..
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Frati.
14 years ago at 8:18 pmFaf. If you dont know what his means then number one your not a Catholic and number two you shouldnt even be on here
14 years ago at 1:11 amBoondock Saints. 2nd Amendment. Catholic. FAF
14 years ago at 1:09 pmPeter. Pope. Catholic. TFM.
14 years ago at 8:21 pmEpiscopalian. TFM.
14 years ago at 8:26 pmSecond
14 years ago at 9:16 pmFaF
14 years ago at 11:19 pmAmen!
14 years ago at 12:44 amThe Episcopalian Church is liberal as shit. TGM
14 years ago at 10:39 amYou couldn’t be more wrong, sorry.
14 years ago at 12:06 pmThe Episcopalian Church ordains gay men as ministers. That’s about as NF as you can possibly get. They are consistently one of the driving forces in left-wing religious movements. Episcopalians are Diet Catholics
14 years ago at 1:16 pmThe Pope threatening to excommunicate Nancy Pelosi for being a stupid bitch… TFM.
14 years ago at 8:27 pmToo many Papists
14 years ago at 8:46 pmas long as you do not attend a non-denom church where the “pastor” is “totally rocking” true religions on a giant TV screen than you are ok with me. cut those dredlocks before you step into the house of the lord geed.
14 years ago at 8:51 pmso true
14 years ago at 7:37 amWhat about Orthodox Christians? Especially Greek Orthodox?
14 years ago at 9:13 pmThey said that the original Christian church separated into the two we know today, Orthodoxy and Catholicism. the original christian church used the fundamentals from both of those.
14 years ago at 12:55 amPope Benedict = FaF
14 years ago at 10:46 pmJohn Paul II = Blessed FaF
14 years ago at 1:03 amCatholics hazing the balls off of other religions and crusading across Europe for hundreds of years=FaF
14 years ago at 10:48 pmHell yeah.
14 years ago at 1:23 pmCatholics? Wow they let any geeds post on this site now. The Pope actually sent an edict that led to the murdering of the first real fraternity in the West known as the Knights Templar. Most Catholics hate fraternities and fraternal organizations. This is why only one U.S. President was Catholic… and he didn’t last long (JFK). Maybe in the north Catholics are different but in the south they are all Obama worshipers who listen to reggeaton and salsa. WASP all day!
14 years ago at 11:02 pmObama worshipers? Really? Dont be dumb. Lets get this all straightened up here. We hate all things liberal. And sweetheart, have you never seen how conservative this site is? Next time, dont post until you get your facts straight.
14 years ago at 7:11 ami’m catholic and am very much conservative and i live in texas. catholics are also known for hazing the shit out of europe and creating something called the holy roman empire. and nowdays religion wouldnt have much to do with running for president. shit if they let a black man become president i don’t see the problem with a catholic being president. Obama worshippers who listen to reggaeton and salsa….. yea. right..
14 years ago at 5:44 pm