University Of Florida Phi Tau’s Oasis Party Was A Shit Show Filled With Hot Girls In Bikinis

    1. Bid Notice

      I don’t think so. These girls are hotter anyway, it’s not like you’re going to have many problems getting hot chicks to come to this.

      9 years ago at 2:48 pm
  1. GatorBait888

    Not a bad party but to refer to Oasis as one of the top 10 fraternity parties ever is laughable and an absolute disgrace to greek life. Can’t remember who on TFM staff is an alumni from this chapter, but somebody is. Most any UF greek will agree that Phi Tau is complete ass here, and that there are at least 5 fraternities with bigger blowout parties. They’re all over this site, so I’m sure I’ll get lapped for this. Just figured I would point out a little bias on the TFM staff… I think they rely on the yearly exposure to convince girls to come.

    9 years ago at 4:07 pm
      1. House_Dadbody

        Everyone gets a bid there. Complete mud.

        “P H I T A U, Phi Tau Phi Tau, WOO WOO!”

        9 years ago at 6:47 pm
      2. GatorBait888

        Wouldn’t dream of setting foot in their sad little house unless it was to steal composites…

        9 years ago at 7:05 pm
  2. kocaine

    This video is gay as aids. My boy was at grad school in 2010 and went to Brown (not the school the party) when Major Lazer and Snoop Dogg performed. He said bitches smoke meth and drink oj for breakfast and everyone will die because they are insane. Honestly I didn’t get through the vid but post some real shit.

    9 years ago at 7:08 pm
      1. OleSouthie

        Yeah, smoking meth is super frat, bro. Bet that was a fun meth and OJ party

        9 years ago at 8:14 pm