1. southernsnowgal

      That username is the same as the one up a few pictures. Someone is having an identity crisis.

      13 years ago at 7:05 pm
    2. MiddTennFratter

      She is a GDI though, goes to my school. Slammy for sure, but GDI none the less.

      13 years ago at 12:39 pm
    1. SterlingArcher

      No shit. Root for your team, not your conference. But I guess lower-tier programs can’t understand this.

      13 years ago at 9:03 pm
    2. Fratalee Holloway

      Frat150 XLT, horrible. Just horrible.

      Archer- no fucking idea what you’re talking about.

      13 years ago at 11:52 pm
    1. southerndx

      Men with hearts, bodies, and minds in which the entire Bulldog Nation can be justifiably proud.

      13 years ago at 8:26 pm
    1. Success

      Don’t you wish there was a button for just this type of occasion dx? Join him in that lap.

      13 years ago at 4:04 pm