Touched down in Grand Cayman yesterday. It took about 90 minutes to move the money and drop a line in the water. TFM.

  1. KYFrat

    I’m calling bullshit. The Caymen Islands and Bermuda don’t do tax sheltering anymore. Lying is for geeds. Pick a frat major like finance and you’d know this.

    14 years ago at 9:04 pm
    1. Chief Illiniwek

      The Caymans have no real estate property tax, no income tax, and no capital gains tax (off the top of my head). I’d say that is an “investment friendly community”. You’d think a finance major like yourself would realize that.

      14 years ago at 2:18 am
    2. KYFrat

      That is all true but he didn’t say he was brokering any deals, he said he was moving money to a bank. If you’re going to invest money in the Caymens then it’s FaF. But not trying to store it to keep accounts private.

      14 years ago at 3:26 am
  2. Fratteral

    Being poor enough where you need to avoid paying taxes unAmerican and definitely NF.

    14 years ago at 9:07 pm
    1. The 5th

      It’s not about being poor or needing to avoid taxes. It’s about the absurd idea that liberals and democrats have that the wealthy should pay for everything. What’s unamerican is that they feel they are entitled to that money. Other than income taxes which are already obscenely high for the wealthy, the government should not be dipping their dirty little fingers in my pockets. Estate taxes, especially, rub me raw.

      14 years ago at 1:13 am