I have never, and will never chant the word "Jerry". TFM.

  1. Carter Ashton Jenkins

    Jerry’s only purpose in life is making fun of GDI’s. Please explain how this is not FaF.

    14 years ago at 1:46 am
    1. General Lee

      Get this: At one time, you all sent kids here to be educated because we had the best schools in the nation. We gave you Jefferson Davis; as if that weren’t enough, we also are/were notorious for the best bloodlines in cattle, horses, hunting dogs and other various species of livestock. Not cultured?, the first performance of Beethoven in the United States was performed in Kentucky. Enjoying your freedom?, more Kentuckians died in the War of 1812 than any other state, all for you. Enjoy those electric lights, Edison lived in Louisville and first showed his incandescent bulb here. KFC is headquartered in Louisville and is the largest chain restaurant in the world. People come here from around the world to celebrate the classiest 2 minutes in sports in existence. We produce the finest liquor in the nation. We sell you horses for millions of dollars. Over 100 Kentuckians have been Governor’s in other states, probably yours. We gave you George Clooney and Johnny Depp. We have more gold than all of you: Fort Knox $$$. Like Corvettes? Yup, that’s us too. If you can’t get over the stereotype of our state that arose in the early 20th century, it’s too bad you haven’t moved forward like we have. Kentucky = FaF

      14 years ago at 7:15 am
    2. Fratterhorn

      You could literally write this much about any state if you wanted to. But I’d rather not take the time. Thanks a lot for the fried chicken, and geez what would America do without those million dollar horses? I don’t think we could survive. Your state has a lot of gold? Fantastic, what does that have to do with anything?

      You just spent probably 20 minutes looking through Wikipedia for facts on your state to prove its not for Geeds, but in the process you proved that you are a Geed for doing so. Your state may have stuff(if you can say that), but you do not. Where is your stash of gold? Where is your million dollar horse?

      Kentucky = NF.

      14 years ago at 4:51 pm
    3. Old Kentucky

      haha, not Kentuckians are so NF. Our gold matters because without it, America would be quite poor and not in power. Aside form that, A gentleman doesn’t brag about wealth. You’re clearly nf and certainly not a greek.

      14 years ago at 6:30 pm
    1. James Fraterson

      Yes Jerry does nothing but make fun of geeds and going to see it live is hysterical

      14 years ago at 5:16 am
  2. Mr. Frat

    Jerry Springer was a Tau Epsilon Phi. Although a shitty fraternity, if you can call it that, he was still greek. He makes a shitload of money making fun of GDIs. That’s FaF in itself.

    14 years ago at 4:30 am
  3. Eric Fratton

    What are you talking about? There’s nothing frattier than being entertained by the lower class

    14 years ago at 5:07 am
  4. God Bless Jerry Springer

    All Jerry Springer does is promote fighting amongst the GDI scum of society for the benefit of viewers. Not to mention he is funny as shit. How is that anything other than FAF?

    14 years ago at 5:22 am
  5. Jerry

    Fuck you my nickname is Jerry and I’m way fucking frattier than you will ever be.

    14 years ago at 8:34 am