Rick Perry saying he's a slot receiver and Romney's the quarterback. TFM.

    1. PIKEpledge

      ^ I just make fun of pike like you all do, you must be a genius for figuring out I’m not a pike.

      12 years ago at 3:38 pm
  1. Proud Devry Alum

    I like when grown ass men are my “slot receivers!”. TotalFraternityMove.

    12 years ago at 3:08 pm
  2. rollinghills_bro

    just goin’ to say, the constant political blurbs are getting a bit tired. apologies, but with all the internet, tv, print, etc 24.7 coverage, it’s getting to be a sad excuse for greek humor. esp with football season around the corner as well.

    12 years ago at 3:17 pm
    1. NativeFloridaCracker

      Politics alone tires me out, we need term limits. Taxation without representation.

      12 years ago at 4:17 pm
  3. Plan B is Plan A

    Comments like this are not going to help Rick Perry dispel the rumors about his sexuality.

    12 years ago at 4:53 pm