Drinking Natty Ice while watching Matty Ice. TFM.

  1. lookbackandlax

    Matt Ryan is an amateur academically and athletically whe compared to Aaron Rodgers.

    14 years ago at 8:52 pm
    1. Daniel Simpson Day

      The Allman Brothers called it Hot ‘Lanta. If you don’t like The Allman Brothers, you don’t like music

      14 years ago at 2:05 am
    2. Barry Badrinath

      being from the poorest and fattest region in the country aka the south NF. none of you have money, your all just ghetto rich

      14 years ago at 12:00 pm
    3. perlisuptown

      @Barry Badrinath – Everything about your comment proves that you are uneducated. You can’t even spell “you’re right”. And also, the south is one of the regions with the highest concentration of retirees, which means rich folks with rich children you geed. We are happy to not have people like you down in the greatest part of this great country.

      14 years ago at 8:13 pm