Drinking America's oldest beer with your American breakfast. TFM.

    1. bro_montana16

      “I call this turf ‘n’ turf. It’s a 16-ounce T-bone and a 24-ounce porterhouse. Also, whisky and a cigar. I am going to consume all of this at once because I am a free American.”

      12 years ago at 3:46 pm
  1. SK0194

    Hell yeah! Yuengling is awesome. Glad more Greeks around America are starting to drink it more.

    12 years ago at 3:15 pm
    1. Die Liberal Die

      *an. Also, I believe the class you’re reffering to is Grammer. Not “English-Spelling” class.

      12 years ago at 2:26 am
    2. Keystone Killer

      ^^First, it is a spelling lesson. Grammar deals with punctuation, sentence structure, and tenses. Second, grammar*.

      12 years ago at 11:44 am
    3. Die Liberal Die

      ^Well I took Grammar in private school and we did spelling lessons every day. I guess they do things differently in Pubic School.

      12 years ago at 2:36 pm
    4. ASUisTFTC

      ^^^^ ^^^ & ^ Fuck You. ^^ You are correct sir.

      1. The study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed; morphology and syntax.
      2. These features or constructions themselves: English grammar.
      3. An account of these features; a set of rules accounting for these constructions: a grammar of English.

      12 years ago at 5:39 pm
    5. Fijiwater69

      You’re all pussies. There, I settled it. Also, i’m going to bitch slap you all so hard that your unborn children are going to come out well mannered.

      12 years ago at 12:10 pm