At the end of the day it's out of my combat boots and into my Sperrys. TFM.

    1. tkelly7

      no you NF anti american. mental defects are not allowed to join the military, and enlisted in the army, i am not poor either, my dads a lawyer and my mom’s a teacher. Has it ever crossed your mind that people join because they love their country, or maybe for a resume, or maybe for the experience?

      13 years ago at 2:04 am
    2. SouthernFrater

      Great way to thank the people who risk their lives everyday to protect your freedoms geed

      13 years ago at 3:23 pm
    3. crreed

      I go to MIT and will proudly be a 2nd LT upon graduation so guess your wrong? hooah army

      13 years ago at 8:24 pm
    4. White Powerade

      Arguing on the internet is like the special Olympics; even if you win, you’re still retarded.

      13 years ago at 9:58 pm
    5. FaFTexas

      Arguing on the internet is like the special Olympics; if you win, you better put that shit on your résumé

      13 years ago at 12:20 pm
    6. PhiPhi_InYourEye

      As much as I agree with all of you raping the GDI named Bubba.. I’m pretty sure he was just trolling. No one in their right mind would call a soldier NF. Unless he really is just a liberal American hating GDI who didn’t get a bid.

      13 years ago at 1:58 pm
    7. SouthernFrataholic

      Bubbahog, contrary to what others say, I hope your son because one of the frattiest people ever to walk the earth, joins the military, and you despise everything he stands for to the point to where you kill yourself. FUCK YOU

      13 years ago at 12:54 pm
    1. grandfrat

      was there for Officer Basic Course… Camp Bullis beat my ass… went during June and July, it was pretty much CAT5 everyday

      13 years ago at 4:00 am
    1. tkelly7

      but for real when i was in AIT they woulda freaked the fuck out at me for wearing anything not part of the uniform.

      13 years ago at 11:12 pm
    2. ATObyGod

      ^ oh yeah when I was in AIT we couldn’t even bring civilian clothes with us.
      12B Essayons FaF

      13 years ago at 12:35 am
    3. The Empire

      This fucking private thinks he’s so cool posting pictures of himself out of uniform at AIT before his NCO lights his ass up.

      Hey Brolaggio you can call me, Sir. TFM

      13 years ago at 11:00 pm
    4. bangbang

      ^half of the e-4’s and below have more experience than your painfully obvious 2lt ass. with all due respect, go choke on your CO’s dick… sir.

      12 years ago at 1:38 pm
    1. Bruce Lee

      That is not a dorm. its a barrack. Where the people protecting your freedom live.

      13 years ago at 3:35 pm
    2. Go Green Blow White

      CaptainNemo, you’re a bit slow… Probably should have picked the name CaptainDory to better fit your lack of common sense.

      13 years ago at 6:11 pm
    3. CCoolidge

      nemo means nobody in latin. Bet you didnt know that dipshit. Go kill yourself in Guantanamo!

      13 years ago at 6:35 pm
    4. tkelly7

      this is definetly barracs for enlisted soldiers going through AIT. Does not matter where you go for it they all have a similiar look. and last time i checked college campuses do not have barracs for rotc.

      13 years ago at 2:07 am
  1. MichelleO is a Hoe

    Yeah you’re hott from behind. Either way I’d let you pee….and make you a sandwich afterwards. Thank you for your service!

    13 years ago at 3:53 pm
    1. alwaysAtoB

      Michelle O is just some dude trying to copy fratdusky to be funny but is really unoriginal … go fuck yourself not buying it

      13 years ago at 1:30 am
    2. MichelleO is a Hoe

      Thankkk you southernlife…the only guys who question my sex are the ones who are questioning their own. FUCK OFF AtoB

      13 years ago at 10:18 pm
    3. alwaysAtoB

      well you need to spend a little less time commenting on every other post on this site and more time making sandwiches, doing laundry and working on your mrs. degree …now get back in the kitchen like a good little girl, and southernlife go pull your balls out of her purse you pussy

      13 years ago at 2:13 am
  2. alphasigcutie

    Now that’s a man. Thank you sweetheart for your sacrifice to our country!

    13 years ago at 4:20 pm
  3. Lynchem

    Before every “patriot” on this site talks shit, I am and have been in Combat and am serving in the USMC reserves for 5 years. Just because you are in the military doesn’t mean you are defending this nation. You can be a inventtory officer/NCO, cook, etc. So shut the fuck up with thanking every person in uniform.

    13 years ago at 4:31 pm
    1. FratHarderNotSmarter

      Yeah, those guys would totally be able to fight our nation’s wars without logo, supply, cooks, pilots, electricians, plumbers, intel, crypto, ATC, transpo, PAO, or any of that other shit. I’ve been in combat too brother, and I’m sure you agree there’s nothing better than seeing a bunch of PFCs setting up hot showers and cooking a fresh meal when you get back from the field. The guys that are cooks (to use your example) do a hell of a lot more for our great country than most of the people in this country. Semper.

      13 years ago at 4:50 pm
    2. Army Mustang

      The guy in the pic looks like a little ROTC douche. With that 13 year old physique I doubt he’s been through basic.

      13 years ago at 5:05 pm
    3. jfpaschalljr

      The marine corps does not commission/enlist non-combatants… So piss off shit hole

      13 years ago at 5:57 pm
    4. DubyaOVERobama

      Hey take a look up the comments…Alpha 232 is a training company for Combat Medics in the Army… I know guy might not have been in combat yet but within a year from graduating here I was in the shit and I am sure he will be too so now start the fucking laps.

      13 years ago at 5:58 pm
    5. Frataholic

      Fratharder, don’t put pilots on that list unless you want to catch hellfire. Shithole.

      13 years ago at 6:06 pm
    6. FratHarderNotSmarter

      Jesus Christ, ever occur to you I was talking about the entire military and not just my branch?

      Most aviators never see combat there buddy, trust me, it’s what I do. I’d never lump myself in with the guys on the ground who eat shit all day long while I fly around in my air conditioned and armored cockpit. How’s that for a shithole?

      13 years ago at 7:18 pm
    7. RagnarDanneskjold

      ^I wish people wouldn’t thank me, to the extent that sometimes I change before leaving the armory so I’m back to being an anonymous frat guy that goes to Alabama.

      13 years ago at 8:30 pm
      1. grandfrat

        Dude no DOUBT! I hate waking around in the airport in my uniform. If people actually knew how irritating that is actually. I know I sound like an ungrateful douche, but ask any normal dude and they’ll tell you the same. When I flew home from the desert over this past Xmas I refused to fly in my uniform.

        13 years ago at 10:21 pm
    8. Lynchem

      jfpaschalljr You are fucking stupid, yeah everyone is a “rifleman” and everyone learns basic shooting drills but you stupid fuck stain not everyone goes to combat training or as of now Mojave desert training. Its nice hearing thank you every once in a while but seriously if you really want to help a vet out, help the one out on the streets with no food or shelter, go fishing or hunting with the guy who was caught in an IED explosion don’t come up to me and thank me its annoying especially when you see fellow warriors die next to you. Most of you don’t know shit and frankly that homeless guy by TFM standards may not be rich because his daddy doesn’t have a jet or black card but he did a hell of a lot more than any of you will as fucking lawyers and business men.

      13 years ago at 9:42 pm
      1. MichelleO is a Hoe

        Lynchem, I can honestly say this is the first time….and quite possibly the last time that I agree with you.

        13 years ago at 10:42 pm
    9. tkelly7

      before you go out talking shit about all the non-combat arms mos’s mr. marine reserve, remember that many of the “non combat” mos’s are just as dangerouos i.e 88m or transpo, further more the mechanics, medics, cooks, and other “pogs” still run convoys in my unit.

      13 years ago at 11:16 pm
    10. Joe12345

      Shut up Lynchem, your not even a fleet Marine. POGs saw a lot of combat from 04-07 in Iraq and also a little in Afghanistan. Anyways, combat boots to sperrys is FAF…1st Battalion/3rd Marines 06-10…Tip of the fucking spear.

      13 years ago at 2:06 am
    11. Joe12345

      I agree with you FratHarderNotSmarter…I was a grunt and did two deployments (my first deployment was fucking crazy in haditha) and my second was to Al Karma, which was a fucking joke. Just because your a grunt doesn’t mean you did more or are a fucking salt dog killer. My boots didn’t even getting a CAR on their deployment to Iraq. I know a lot of super POGs who in 04, 05 in iraq got lit the fuck up a lot. I hate the POG vs. Grunt fucking shit because I chose to go 03, but didn’t have to. As long as you do you job well I considered you a Marine. Now officers on the other hand…not even gonna go there. Enlisted Marines make the Marine Corps…

      13 years ago at 2:14 am
    12. Lynchem

      Joe12345: Are you naive or just plain old stupid? Marines were only in Iraq 04-07? First off even with your theory I enlisted in 06 on my 17th, and was deployed 2 months after my training was complete. That would be 06 still. I was deployed for 7 months (around the standard deployment.) After that I was again deployed in 10 to Iraq as a survey and training unit. While there we trained the Iraqi police force. Now my second tour in 10 my good friend, pledge brother, and warrior buddy was shot in the head by an insurgent posing as an Iraqi policeman. Now you can visit his grave site and tell him there were no Marines there or you can shut the fuck up and not try to out smart someone who actually went through it not bought about it through ROTC or from watching Heartbreak Ridge or Black Hawk Down. As far as Afghanistan my other buddy from high school is going out on his second deployment to Afghanistan in June. So if you want to call him and ask him if he’s getting ready to go or if the Marines aren’t there I can kindly give you his number or the numbers of fallen warriors families who I knew and was close to. If you want them just let me know.

      13 years ago at 11:57 am
    13. tkelly7

      im sure there were still marines there but when the draw down got going in 2010 until the final withdrawl in 2012 it was mainly army taking control of the mission specifically 1st cav and a few other units.

      13 years ago at 12:18 pm
    14. Lynchem

      Its mainly Army combat engineers and Navy Seabees rebuilding, and special units in training law enforcement. But in 2010 most USMC forces were moved to Afghanistan as I was supposed to but we were called back.

      13 years ago at 2:36 pm
    15. bakingbetch

      And how would soldiers be able to do their job if those other people weren’t there? It’s all important. You can’t win a war if you starve to death. (also seems like an appropriate time to bring up those like dorie miller in WWII at pearl harbor, just a thought)

      13 years ago at 3:37 pm
    16. Lynchem

      Well unless you’re on base there are no chefs in combats, its this crazy thing called MREs… And did you just watch Ben Aflack flick his bean in Pearl Harbor? No one ever said Corpsman and Army medics weren’t important.

      13 years ago at 6:03 pm
    17. Joe12345

      @Lynchem NO fucking shit Marines were in Iraq past 07…What I was saying is that Marines barely had any action after 07 in Iraq compared to the first 3-4 years. Most of the fighting was 03-07…2nd Battle of Fallujah, Nasiriya, Basra, Baghdad, etc. What I was saying was that regardless of MOS the war was rough in those first years for everyone. I did Haditha and Karma so I know Iraq pretty fucking well. My seniors were at fucking 2nd battle of fallujah and went to Korengal valley. Im not a fucking butter bar either, I was a fucking Cpl. when I got out. I don’t discredit what you did and RIP to the friends you lost. One Marine in my platoon died to an IED blast in Karma and another Marine I trained died in 2010 in Afghanistan. If civis want to thank everyone in uniform they can and they should. I know what I did over there and the fucked up shit I went through/saw especially in Haditha…I don’t need someone to thank me…I would rather they thank the fucking ROTC POG ass Butter bar than talk to me about my deployment.

      13 years ago at 10:11 pm
    18. Joe12345

      Lynchem, reservist fucked up more shit in Iraq than did anything productive. The stupid shit I heard about my entire time in about the dumb shit yall pulled. I didn’t see anything first hand, but I heard stories from my seniors. The Corps should have left the fighting to the fleet grunts. You don’t even get CLOSE to being the level of trained infantryman both in the mind, physically, and in skills…FMF infantry training is MUCH different than any other training in the Corps and especially the reserves. My unit was 1/3 Charlie co. just FYI.

      13 years ago at 10:32 pm
    19. Joe12345

      Also Lynchem, since you are insisting on out saltdogging me. Your second deployment doesn’t country in my book, both of my deployments consisted of all patrolling and fighting. You probably didn’t even leave the fob.

      13 years ago at 10:40 pm