Pledge-hammer has to put a hole in a wall in every fraternity house on campus. TFM.

  1. postgradfratter

    A few things about U of M and Minnesota.

    A. Terrible greek life. School contains 60,000 kids and roughly 38,000 are asians. NF.
    B. People in the twin cities love the school but there is no real feel of a college town.
    C. They let gay kids in fraternities, no real hazing, girls at U of M have zero southern attractiveness, and your sports are terrible as well.

    -This is being said from a native of the twin cities. Besides the lake houses, nothing truly frat at the University of Minnesota

    13 years ago at 2:43 pm
    1. Minnebrota Brophers

      A. That number is too high and if we’re only counting undergrads that number isn’t even close.
      B. A college town would be great, but so are 17 fortune 500 companies that make business school students set for life.
      C. ‘They let gay kids in fraternities’ … there are a few houses that I know of that do. Any hazing must be kept silent because the administration will revoke a charter with no questions asked. There are hot slams here like there is at any big school, sorry if they won'[t fuck you. Football is terrible but basketball and hockey are not.
      D. Any further questions?

      13 years ago at 2:50 pm
    2. Frattesota

      To be honest, we’re the worst Greek system in the Big Ten. That being said, if this “pledge-hammer” punches a hole in my wall…

      13 years ago at 3:05 pm
    3. postgradfratter

      Nope. Heard enough, Gay kids.

      Don’t let the asians take those lilfe setting jobs.

      13 years ago at 3:26 pm
    4. Barry Badrinath

      postgradfratter, where are you from in the twin cities? Probably poor ass coon rapids or anoka. The only fraternity I’ve heard that lets gay kids in is sig ep

      13 years ago at 5:02 pm
      1. Bro Webb

        Guarantee you’ll find at least 1gay kid in every fraternity throughout your 4 years

        13 years ago at 2:08 pm
    5. grandfrat

      SigEp seriously… ugh… I’m sure they are a “Balanced on a Manpole” chapter at that..

      13 years ago at 5:11 am
  2. TFFTC

    My dad used to be the biggest boss at U of M. Now I’m a boss in Pullman. Go cougs

    13 years ago at 3:36 am
  3. MOMOgotMojo

    house is off campus, you break into my house im going to be afraid for my life and have to use my 12 gauge.

    13 years ago at 2:45 am