Johnnie Walker Red is my valentine. TFM.

  1. Shady BROaks

    You sir are a pussy. 2 reasons, apparently you cannot get laid or afford a decent bottle of whisky.

    14 years ago at 11:50 am
    1. SouthernByGodsGrace

      You sir may not be a pussy but may be an idiot. You probably spent a shitload of money on dumb shit for a slampiece some other guy will be fucking in a few weeks anyways. This is the only day of the year I could care less to get laid.

      14 years ago at 12:16 pm
    2. Frat Sinatra

      Come on man… although Red Label isn’t quite the greatest, if it is your ‘typical’ whiskey you’re doing better than 90% of Greeks…

      14 years ago at 12:22 pm
    3. Fratlas_Shrugged

      Are you guys seriously? Shady Broaks is the only one that doesn’t sound like a goddamn poor. I would never fucking drink red label. When was the last time I worried about how much money I spent on someone? never. When’s the last time I was disappointed when an old slampiece left and a new one came? never.

      14 years ago at 3:26 pm
  2. Frat Master J

    Shady BROaks, congratulations, you just lost a shit ton of money on some slampiece that will be gone in a few weeks. As for the dude from Nebraska, he will probably still get laid because he is a frat star.

    14 years ago at 12:28 pm
  3. The Fratfather

    Shady Broaks, first you probably could not even taste a difference between red and blue. secondly talking about “affording” doesn’t make you cool either, you can have it or not. and finally ITS CALLED SCOTCH YOU DUMB GDI

    But having a Johnnie Walker Blue Label King George Edition at the plantation just for turkey hunting is FaF!

    14 years ago at 1:53 pm