Makers and Gatorade = The Bourbon Meyer. TFM.

    1. Nice Try

      sweet tea wasn’t invented at the university of florida. that just wouldn’t be funny.

      14 years ago at 5:29 pm
    2. Fratty

      to “Nice Try,” this guy is posting what the actual Bourbon Meyer is that is served here in restaurants. It’s not meant to be funny, it’s the actual drink. The guy who made this TFM was the one trying to make a joke

      14 years ago at 12:37 am
  1. Frat tab

    I get the name. You’re punny. But makers should never be mixed with anything but water. Frozen or liquid. Your choice.

    14 years ago at 6:11 pm
    1. Brosceola

      Didn’t apply. I don’t need your school, nor would I want to live in the shit hole also known as Gainesville. I’ll leave college, enter the real world making 100K, and probably snort blow off your girlfriend’s tits. Sorry your coach couldn’t handle the ass kicking. 31-7.

      14 years ago at 8:31 pm
    2. UF Fratter

      to “Brosceola”
      All I have to say to you is… 6 years in a row. Your one year doesn’t mean anything haha. Also you’ll never be making 100k out of FSU degrees. Stop being so jealous all the time

      14 years ago at 12:43 am
  2. terd ferguson

    we call it swamp juice. It’s fucking terrible, and it is only consumed by pledges

    14 years ago at 7:48 pm
    1. Fratty

      we do have a bourbon meyer drink down here though, it just doesn’t consist of Gatorade or Makers. I think it has sweet tea and bourbon in it, I can’t remember. I think it was at beef’s where I saw it

      14 years ago at 12:29 am