The bar closes at 2, so it only makes sense that pledge meeting is at 2:15. TFM.

    1. DerekHuff

      couldn’t agree more Mcdouble with mac sauce is the shit, only thing I order from Mcdonalds

      14 years ago at 1:03 am
    2. MG Custis Lee

      But you must first take your time ordering in your drunken stupor, so that the pledge is late to his meeting, which would make him punishable under the fraternal law.

      14 years ago at 6:11 am
  1. AmeriKA1865

    cool story bro. tell me a little more about how much a loser you are that you cant take a girl home after the bar so you go haze your pledges

    14 years ago at 9:48 pm
    1. the nelson

      I am 100% sure now of two things: A. You’re the fucking man and you take girls home EVERY night of the week because you’re so awesome; B. Your pledgship must have been a fucking breeze since no one in your fraternity hazes, they just go to the bar and then sleep with women every night of the week. You sound like a JI so I wont go further, but seriously kid, think before speaking.

      14 years ago at 8:56 am
  2. FrappaAlpha

    This is going to get torn apart because you didn’t go slam sorostitutes. But FaF

    14 years ago at 12:16 am
  3. fratted merganser

    Bar closes at 2, slam the sorostitute at 2:15, then have the meeting whenever the fuck you’re done. Problem Solved

    14 years ago at 2:29 pm
  4. Daniel Simpson Day

    How about having a meeting at 4 so you can get another 2 hours of late-night drinking in

    14 years ago at 2:37 pm