Texas, South Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona picking up house seats in the census while New Jersey, Massachusetts, and New York lose them. Good luck in 2012 libs. TFM.

  1. TallaFRATTY

    Yes, hispanics are becoming a higher percentage of the population, but as was mentioned, they still have to register and go vote. Look at the registered voter stats in those states, the majority is still republican. I’d say our chances are better then they’ve been in a long time.

    14 years ago at 5:29 pm
  2. FratmaximusDecimusBrodius

    Hispanics are an extremely difficult demographic group to analyze politically. Yes, historically they have voted Democratic. However, as more Hispanics become educated and interested in politics, you will see that Hispanics, like many naturalized immigrants, tend to have conservative values (60-70% of LEGAL Hispanic Citizens are against an Amnesty and illegal immigration). Why? Because Hispanics are Catholics, and most Catholics are Conservative.

    Also, the chances of a widespread amnesty have been killed(Dream Act failed and GOP now controls Senate). That being said, we don’t have to worry about 10 million voters coming out of nowhere and voting for the liberal geeds.

    14 years ago at 6:27 pm
    1. Frat the Facts

      If most Hispanics are Catholics and most Catholics are Conservative how do you account for the thousands of Hispanic bastards?

      14 years ago at 10:31 pm
  3. The Real Marcus Frattimore

    The real issue is going to be if the GOP nominates a good candidate. I don’t think anyone who was mentioned in 08 will be good enough. The next 24 months are going to be fun.

    14 years ago at 6:51 pm
  4. SCBro

    You realize that SC is about 50/50 Republican Democrat right? Nikki Haley didnt win by that much. Ughh, hate that woman, Andre Bauer was so much frattier and more conservative.

    14 years ago at 6:57 pm
    1. The Real Marcus Frattimore

      Nikki’s victory margin was a combination of straight ticket voters and people who voted against her because she is a woman/Indian/the affair rumors, etc.

      14 years ago at 8:04 pm
    2. gt

      Actually Nikki Haley was the Tea Party candidate so she is FaF. But Henry McMaster was definitely the frattiest being a KA at South Carolina. Dieu et les dames

      14 years ago at 5:50 am
  5. Bronan The Brobarian

    This site used to be frat, but all these geeds analyzing politics are making it like sound like CNN

    14 years ago at 8:41 pm