We have the beach; you have a corn field. We go to Vegas for the weekend; you go to your mountain shanties. We have perfect weather year round; you have rain, snow, and humidity. PAC 10 > SEC and ACC. Our women are the finest in the world. Oh yeah, Nixon AND Reagan. TFM.
We all know California is full of liberals but calling everyone from there, especially someone who makes it a point to mention the greatest conservative of our time, is plain ignorant. Please represent both the Greek community and the South a little better.
Ya’ll have the beach? Damn, i dont know what to call that sand and islands that touch the gulf and Atlantic. I guess its a sea a corn I go deep sea fishing in. Get over youself, we have more a coast than yall do. Also a lot less liberals.
Fyi GDI we have beaches. learn to use a fucking map. Yes we have mountains dont bother coming to visit, we have rain, snow, and humidity but you have forest fires and earthquakes so suck it. Ever heard of Southern Belles? yeah you can keep your guido whores. Our football teams consistently fuck yours up. Nixon yeah you got him, Reagan was born in Illinois. PAC-10 sucks go wear your cargo shorts and spike your hair
Dumb ass granola liberal. Last I checked the PAC 10 sucks at virtually everything and the south will always frat harder. How about you go enjoy your gay rights and vote for democrats you dumb fuck.
You are also all gelled hair douchebags
14 years ago at 1:48 pmYou failed to mention yall have graphic tees and hair gel. NF.
14 years ago at 1:49 pmCalifornia is full of liberal hippy GDI ass-holes like yourself.
14 years ago at 1:51 pmWe all know California is full of liberals but calling everyone from there, especially someone who makes it a point to mention the greatest conservative of our time, is plain ignorant. Please represent both the Greek community and the South a little better.
14 years ago at 2:23 pmGeneralizations and stereotyping. TFM.
14 years ago at 12:27 amStop whining.
And yet you’re still not better than me
14 years ago at 1:51 pmCalifornia is really fratty with all the geeds and libs out there.
14 years ago at 1:51 pmfraternities already are the minority everywhere you go, so if you can uphold the fratmosphere in the most liberal state there is more power to ya
14 years ago at 4:58 amWhere we’re from, our GDI’s are democrats. Where you’re from, everyone is a republican. Class Segregation TFM.
14 years ago at 1:54 pmLiving in a RED state. TFM.
14 years ago at 3:54 pmLiving in a BLUE state. GDI.
14 years ago at 5:16 pmYa’ll have the beach? Damn, i dont know what to call that sand and islands that touch the gulf and Atlantic. I guess its a sea a corn I go deep sea fishing in. Get over youself, we have more a coast than yall do. Also a lot less liberals.
14 years ago at 1:56 pmmore coastline? thats your argument?
14 years ago at 3:49 pmget the fuck off here.
Fyi GDI we have beaches. learn to use a fucking map. Yes we have mountains dont bother coming to visit, we have rain, snow, and humidity but you have forest fires and earthquakes so suck it. Ever heard of Southern Belles? yeah you can keep your guido whores. Our football teams consistently fuck yours up. Nixon yeah you got him, Reagan was born in Illinois. PAC-10 sucks go wear your cargo shorts and spike your hair
14 years ago at 1:56 pmObama was senator in Illinois, dont you ever associate Regan with that gdi trash
14 years ago at 5:01 amGuido whores? Wrong coast, chief. “Learn to use a fucking map” and realize you’re 3000 miles off target.
11 years ago at 5:04 amAll the comment below sound like they are describing AUSTIN Texas..
14 years ago at 1:58 pmDumb ass granola liberal. Last I checked the PAC 10 sucks at virtually everything and the south will always frat harder. How about you go enjoy your gay rights and vote for democrats you dumb fuck.
14 years ago at 1:58 pmYou’re damn right I believe in gay rights. You bigoted, inbred ignoramus.
14 years ago at 1:08 am