They might be the Trojans, but that's the closet to being greek they will ever experience. Nice try USC. Have some granola. TFM.

    1. bro

      Your an idiot gdi. Get off this site and go cry over the republicans taking the house back soon. Ok bye dumb fuck

      14 years ago at 7:22 pm
    2. USC MAFIA

      Haha you think I am liberal? Please, if you had any intelligence at all you would realize the USC MAFIA was a group of ‘SC alumni who worked on President Nixon’s staff.
      Notably Ron Ziegler

      Why do u think my name is “USC MAFIA”?
      Go back to your public school.

      14 years ago at 7:32 pm
    3. Brodon Gekko

      The Bruins would kill the Trojans in any contest. Go fuck yourself USC MAFIA. And oh by the way President Nixon’s two most trusted advisors, H.R. Haldeman (White House Counsel, Domestic Policy Advisor) and John Ehrlichman (Chief of Staff) both graduated from UCLA. Check your facts. Your boy Ron Ziegler had no political clout and served as mere tool of the administration.

      14 years ago at 2:00 am
    4. The Duke


      Nice name, but otherwise you suck. Your just a little bit upset that UCLA is now ranked 25th in the US News Report and USC is 23rd. Have fun hanging out with your nerd bomb gdi friends and working for Trojans when you graduate.

      14 years ago at 10:33 am
    5. South couldn't afford to frat like the north

      Brodon Gekko, you are rootin for a public school. TgdiM.

      14 years ago at 1:26 pm
    1. Brobby Cox

      Oregon’s band playing “Rocky Top” after they haze Kiffin on Saturday. TFM

      14 years ago at 6:41 am
  1. Amused

    It’s hard to take your comments about SC seriously when you can’t spell correctly.

    14 years ago at 7:36 pm
  2. George Miles Bro-nold

    You poor people from the South really don’t understand how much we look down on you? *This doesn’t apply to Texas* I know things have gotten a little better since you all started going to the dentist regularly…but the last 250 years of inbreeding has left you inferior. You couldn’t afford USC tuition even if you sold all 5 of your $100,000 hillbilly homes.

    14 years ago at 7:38 pm
    1. Manny C

      I’m sure brother arnold, and the rest of the fiver friends and brothers would resent that comment, given they lived in, went to school in, and founded the fraternity that you are a member of, in virginia (the american founding at least). Being from atlanta, and having family from northern california, You Sir have no idea how much the rest of the country looks down on pompous USC attitude. Think before you start blindly throwing out insults. Regardless, though a-b brother

      14 years ago at 8:51 pm
    2. Fraton Rouge

      First of all was that first sentence supposed to be a question or do you not know how to use punctuationt? Second, I think Texas would be a little angry that you are counting them as not being part of the south. Third, I think you are confusing us “poor people from the south” with the gdi fucks that have raised your dumb ass. Go kindly suck a dick and get the fuck off of this site as you are obviously a geed by association, just by going to USC.

      14 years ago at 9:02 pm
    3. Frathens, GA

      USC tuition is about $40,000. 4($40,000)= $160,000. 5(100,000)=$500,000. $500,000>$200,000.
      Making blatant mathematical errors on top of an already laughably inaccurate post AND being from California and actually thinking it is cool is about as NF as anything I’ve ever seen.

      14 years ago at 9:23 pm
    4. James K. Brolk

      I get paid to go to the 5th most expensive university in the country, which happens to be in the South. I’m pretty sure $40k at USCal wouldn’t be a problem. PS: our Southern GDIs are frattier than your Greeks.

      14 years ago at 10:51 pm
    5. Diamonds and Pearls

      And who the hell told you that you were so special? I don’t know about Y’ALL over in California, but down here in Alabama we don’t make insults we can’t back up. Unless you’ve actually VISITED a southern state, and I do mean a REAL southern state, then you really can’t say anything. And it sure doesn’t sound like you’ve ever actually been south of the Mason Dixon. You need to learn to think before you insult. Have fun with your USC lifestyle, I’ll keep loving my southern fratdaddies just the way they are, teeth included.

      14 years ago at 11:52 pm
    6. South couldn't afford to frat like the north

      You dumb southern cunt. Have you been to frat events at USCal? You probably couldn’t afford to fly out, even though you are in fucking public school. That’s alright though, USCal janitors are looking a little old, they might be retiring soon. Maybe my dad, who is on the board of trustees, will throw you toothless hicks a bone?

      Have fun getting married to a deformed “slampiece” at Wal-Mart. Maybe she will be able to negotiate an employee discount?

      14 years ago at 1:31 pm
    7. BROn Paul

      1.) Talking to women like that is NF
      2.) The difference between the south and you dumb fucks is that ya’ll are in “frats” and we’re in fraternities.
      3.) The south has the most beautiful slampieces of anywhere in the world.

      -Get fucked and get off of our site you gdi

      14 years ago at 1:41 pm
    8. James K. Brolk

      For those of you on the West Coast who only believe in Southern stereotypes, try this on for size: Molly Sims (you know, from the SI swimsuit issue?) was a pre-law Tri Delt at Vandy before starting her modeling career.

      14 years ago at 10:50 pm
    1. TN1856

      Lane Kiffin = Talking a bunch of shit then failing to back it up and ditching the South for California = NF.

      Derek Dooley = Integrity, Honesty (admitting it will take a few seasons to get back where we belong) a good southern drawl, and that amazing swoop = TFM

      14 years ago at 8:08 pm
    2. Fratwall Jackson

      Actually they gained him…Derek Dooley is a TFM, Spurrier is as well. Kiffen looks like daniel tosh which is NF

      14 years ago at 8:19 pm
    3. BROnald Reagan

      Greek doesn’t mean you’re frat you fucking jack off. Like you…you’re probably in a fraternity but you are a fucking GDI to me.

      14 years ago at 10:19 am
  3. wild as a minx

    you know, the trojans were actually the enemies of the Greeks. you could just use that in your USC hate.

    14 years ago at 8:23 pm
    1. donthazemebro

      Yeah the Trojans definitely werent Greek. They were located in modern day Turkey. Just saying.

      14 years ago at 12:27 pm
    2. Southern Proper Lady

      Actually, the Trojans were from ancient Asia Minor….if the Trojan War ever really happened.

      14 years ago at 4:41 am
    1. bro starter kit

      Why are you posting on TFM when you could be making sure you keep those game reserves and fishing resorts clean until I get back? Canada is about as frat as a pair of jean cargo shorts in an inner city unemployment line.

      14 years ago at 11:22 pm
    2. From Dixie with love

      Please tell me this is a joke. If it is, congrats on making me laugh out loud, if it wasn’t, you’re from Canada, get out of here. AMERICA. Hell yeah.

      14 years ago at 11:54 pm
  4. Cameron

    someones bitter because they are poor. yes i would be emabarressed too if my state had only 4 billionaires. Dont even begin to brag about money, tenn’s largest house is still smaller than my coach house. quit crying because tenn blows every year and lost a coach who MAYBE could have shown you what a bowl game is (that pays millions of dollars)instead of getting an invite to the “grandmas homade chilli bowl” (that pays about as much as my clothes cost. )

    14 years ago at 11:46 pm
    1. The South will Rise again

      actually cameron the largest house in the united states in is north carolina very close to tennessee. California debt=NF

      14 years ago at 10:30 am
    2. James K. Brolk

      Winning the first BCS National Championship: FaF.
      Having your only BCS NC victory vacated: NF.

      By the way, sounds an awful lot like someone’s overcompensating. Insecure?

      14 years ago at 10:45 pm
  5. one of y'all

    hey, y’all? i came out here from mississippi (hotty toddy). daddy was a fratstar, mama was a sorostitute, grew up gettin dressed up to get fucked up. from my expert opinion, SC is pretty much the south without the pick-ups.

    14 years ago at 9:37 am