Northerners can't frat because they can't wear Yacht shoes all year. TFM.

    1. frat and natty

      ksu= kennesaw state right? thats all you could get into was a community college? damn sucks for you i went to ksu for one of my friends party they cant frat at all come to uga ill show you whats up

      14 years ago at 5:18 am
  1. boom

    they make winter sperry’s motherfuckers, get your facts straight. union triad, what state was that in again? o yea new york.

    14 years ago at 8:12 pm
    1. Kappa Alpha Order

      go kill yourself, there needs to be a webpage call TNorthernFM so we can get your asses off the site

      14 years ago at 8:13 pm
    2. Marco Brolo

      What’s winter? Oh yeah…that’s something GDI’s form the north have to put up with every year. Sucks for you.

      14 years ago at 8:15 pm
    3. GQ McGee

      Sorry we’re able to frat in every condition known to man … wait, sorry I’m not sorry. It must suck to know you’re only good up to 80ยบ.

      14 years ago at 12:05 am
  2. Abroham Lincoln

    The South is so fucking poor. I say this to Indians and people who tried to secede… you’re welcome for making you American.

    14 years ago at 8:16 pm
  3. Fratterman

    good lord TFMs are supposed to be funny. Don’t get all butt hurt about a TFM and do not act like it is a personal attack. This website is by Fraternities for Fraternities, lets see some unity in the greek community.

    14 years ago at 8:40 pm
  4. Aristofrat

    Anything north of the Mason-Dixon line is NF. If you think when referring to people that it is “you guys,” instead of “y’all,” you’re a GDI. Has the north even heard of Copenhagen?

    14 years ago at 8:44 pm
    1. Wall Street

      Your right all Northerners a GDI because we know how to speak English. Good one hick. And yes we do have cope.

      14 years ago at 3:31 pm
  5. Nothing's Frattier than America

    We can wear boat shoes whenever the fuck we want. Also the winter just gives us another aristocratic sport to do, skiing. And before you say skiing is for GDI’s, Obama plays golf but that clearly doesn’t make it a GDI sport. Park Avenue, Summer homes on eastern Long Island, nantucket and Marthas vineyard, TFM.

    14 years ago at 9:37 pm
  6. martha's vineyard

    these posters understand, finally, that although your southern dads may be executives, our dads are chief executives.

    14 years ago at 10:00 pm