How do you not like W? Easy. Look at his presidency dumbshit. Idc how fratty y’all think he is. I can’t support someone who did little to help this great country.
Read Decision Points you stupid liberal geed…bet you think waterboarding wasnt a good idea next time lets just ask them nicely to tell us when they are going to kill more Americans, what about liberating Iraq from a sadistic dictator that exterminated his own people that was a shitty idea too…good thing we have Obama now fucking idiot
I know that most of the posts on here are a bit farfetched but this one is complete bullshit. No one will believe you, and if you had any respect for President Bush, you wouldn’t brag about him doing something illegal.
Except he doesn’t drink… Which you’d know if you read Decision Points.
14 years ago at 8:06 pmWhich you should have know before the book.
14 years ago at 9:00 pmI’m assuming you’re talking about W. if you knew him or read his book you would know he doesnt drink any more. being a idiot NF.
14 years ago at 8:15 pmBrett Favre also said he quit drinkin’. If you believe that.
14 years ago at 8:20 pmsecond
14 years ago at 8:20 pmSecond. This would obviously never happen, as awesome as it would be.
14 years ago at 8:22 pmW didn’t actually have a beer, but he is the one that handed me mine.
14 years ago at 8:30 pmYeah that’s not really having a beer with someone.
14 years ago at 8:45 pmTFB. Total Fuckin Bullshit
14 years ago at 8:34 pmthats an absolute lie
14 years ago at 8:36 pmBullshit
14 years ago at 8:43 pmWeird. I just had a beer next to a bush. I’m 21. I am so a total frat move right now.
14 years ago at 8:51 pmDumbass.
14 years ago at 10:24 pmI don’t even like Bush and I even knew he didn’t drink you dumbass
14 years ago at 8:58 pmNot liking Dubyah. NF
14 years ago at 9:03 pmhow the hell do you now like W.
14 years ago at 10:12 pmHow do you not like W? Easy. Look at his presidency dumbshit. Idc how fratty y’all think he is. I can’t support someone who did little to help this great country.
14 years ago at 12:52 amHe did a lot more than you, you worthless piece of shit.
14 years ago at 2:35 amGDI, fuck you.
14 years ago at 8:31 pmRead Decision Points you stupid liberal geed…bet you think waterboarding wasnt a good idea next time lets just ask them nicely to tell us when they are going to kill more Americans, what about liberating Iraq from a sadistic dictator that exterminated his own people that was a shitty idea too…good thing we have Obama now fucking idiot
14 years ago at 11:57 pmnice try geed
14 years ago at 9:00 pmI know that most of the posts on here are a bit farfetched but this one is complete bullshit. No one will believe you, and if you had any respect for President Bush, you wouldn’t brag about him doing something illegal.
14 years ago at 10:10 pm1. No you didn’t.
2. W doesn’t drink.
I thought the login feature would help keep the geeds out.
14 years ago at 12:07 am