No GDI, writing down everything the professor says is not going to help you pass the exam. TFM.

    1. ~1851 Violets~

      Someone is a GDI… Simply studying the old exams in the test bank will help you pass… Not listening to the professors. Professors are only there to put you to sleep with their monotone voices.

      14 years ago at 2:43 pm
  1. hahaaha

    Well, I hope you survive in the real world with all the knowledge that you gained from college….. Oh, but I am sure your daddy will support your sorry ass for the rest of your life…

    14 years ago at 7:20 pm
    1. fratdidas

      Yeah that sounds about right. Sucks having a job waiting for me right out of college.

      14 years ago at 7:45 pm
  2. Robert E. Fratty

    Being smarter than some idiot Kappa Sig, scoring higher than him without using the test bank in my fraternity because I have class and cheating galls me, and watching him unsuccessfully try to score the slampiece that I conquered the night before (when I wasn’t studying). TFM

    14 years ago at 8:57 pm