Why Can’t My University Be The One Paying Hungover Students To Participate In A Research Study?
Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings have become synonymous with a crippling hangover for most college students. There are many typical effects of a night of heavy drinking that most students exhibit: acting as if you have just discovered water for the first time, considering cancelling your phone bill after reading the previous night’s texts, and acting as if greasy food is a five-star meal Guy Fieri might refer to as “Gangster.” A new university study, however, seeks to analyze some more impactful effects of boozing.
From The Sun:
A UNIVERSITY is paying volunteers to get a hangover — in the name of science.
Researchers want to know how that morning-after feeling affects the way we process and retain information.
Organisers say they are looking for “social drinkers who regularly experience hangovers”. Applicants must be aged between 18 and 30 and tick off a list of boxes.
This includes regularly drinking six units of alcohol for females, eight for men and having had at least one hangover in the previous month.
Other criteria include being a non-smoker who does not drink more than four cups of coffee a day.
The organisers added: “Your participation will add to knowledge of how hangovers may influence future drinking.
“The results will inform wider public policies on the impact of alcohol hangover.”
Bath University in the UK will carry out the study, and plans to pay students 15 pounds for their troubles. While this sounds like the best paid study a student could ever participate in, there certainly is one catch: the whole non-smoker stipulation has to go. There is no better time to indulge in a smooth Marlboro Red (or whatever weird brand they smoke in the UK) than when you’re properly hammered. If these researchers want to get a real population sample, they would seek out college students who drink four nights a week and regularly smoke while doing so. Just a thought..
[via The Sun]
Image via Unsplash
First! I’m the FIRST! Fratty has been dethroned! Vaginator forgot the password to the account!
7 years ago at 4:45 pmWhy don’t you sit the next few plays out?
7 years ago at 5:38 pm*Virginator. And before he asks, yes I will fight him if only he will give me his address.
7 years ago at 9:54 amPlease don’t fight me
7 years ago at 10:08 amWe’ve been through this before little man and you pussied out. But for the millionth time 1720 Melrose place Knoxville TN.
7 years ago at 10:48 amWatch it little man
7 years ago at 10:59 amYou live in a dorm you fucking loser.
7 years ago at 11:37 amWatch your fucking mouth kid this could turn south for you real quick
7 years ago at 2:59 pmI’ll turn south on your mom
7 years ago at 2:15 pmCan we get a best boobie costume contest going?
7 years ago at 10:08 pmTrue on the smoking. NObody, and I mean NOBODY DRINKS AND DOESN’T SMOKE. What are they doing.
7 years ago at 9:53 am