Just made roughly $21,750 in a 3 minute 35 second phone call...check payable to me. TFM

  1. Al "Fratuitous " Czervik

    Must have sold a corn combine….get real, just sold a coastal golf course @ 3.5 mil…if my commish is 6% you do the math…GDI…get on my level

    14 years ago at 1:01 pm
    1. Karl von Fratvitz

      Actually his commish should be closer to 10% if its a commercial sale…at 6% I’m guessing he is working with a partner or hired out for part of the work. Don’t talk real estate unless you are a Broker or Lawyer you jackass.

      14 years ago at 5:21 pm
    2. Brosepherson

      Al “Faguous” Czervix: I wasn’t being a c-sucker, but since you are a dumbfuck and don’t know shit about real estate, allow me to clarify.

      1) In no state do sellers pay a market commission of 10%- If so, that Seller/Landlord should be shot on spot.
      2) 6% is standard commission on a sale (sometimes less in a larger transaction) of which 3% goes to buyer’s broker and 3% goes to seller’s broker.
      3)Frat Farm doesn’t know shit either and I’m sure he shampoo’s his senior broker’s croch while coughing up another 50% of the commission for being an underling peon on salary.
      4)Frat Farm is implying he pulled in a cool $210K ( 6% X $3.5M)when in actuallity the total commission was $210K of which 50% goes to buyer’s broker ( leaving $105K). Of that $105K, 50% of that goes to his brokerage house depending his splits ( leaving him $52.5K) of which another 50% he will most likely split with his senior broker, leaving him with $26,250. A decent pop, but not a full 6%.

      But I don’t know shit out about commercial real estate.

      14 years ago at 7:09 am

    1. Just sold corn.
    2. How many golf courses can you sell in 3 and a half minutes?
    3. That was less than 3% of my production, you do the math.
    4. ok… the golf course thing is kinda cool. Keep frattin

    14 years ago at 2:04 pm