I'm not allowed to drink Makers when I go home because my father says it's a cheap version of real bourbon. TFM.

  1. de la broul

    I’m not allowed to say “this is fucking bullshit” when I go home, but I’m going to say it here

    14 years ago at 5:51 am
  2. frat nap

    obviously your dad is retarded, makers is made basically the same way as any other expensive bourbon. the biggest difference is how long its aged and where/when they rotate their barrels in the warehouse.

    14 years ago at 6:33 am
  3. John Daly Drunk

    Nothing should make it on this site unless it’s below the Mason-Dixon line.

    14 years ago at 7:04 am
  4. Athena's Owl

    Makers is a good bourbon, not top shelf, but very solid. Real drinkers choose their drink based on quality, not price. Go drink some Blue Label geed.

    14 years ago at 9:21 am
    1. 1865

      Maker’s Mark isn’t a “good bourbon” because it isn’t a bourbon. To be bourbon, whiskey has to be distilled in Bourbon County, Kentucky or it is just whiskey- like how champagne is only from the Champagne region in France (otherwise is it a sparkling white wine). Maker’s Mark is from Marion County, Kentucky not Bourbon County so it isn’t technically a bourbon.

      TFM, Broquet.

      14 years ago at 3:06 pm
    2. Fratagonia

      last i checked, blue label is a scotch. Scotch and Kentucky bourbon are two different tastes. Maybe your GDI palette cant taste the difference. Good thing blue label is the only “expensive” whisky everyone can think of.

      14 years ago at 3:30 pm
    3. Cut 'Em All Frat

      Actually, the Federal law only requires the mash to be 51% corn to be called bourbon legally and doesn’t have to be distiller in Kentucky at all. But nice try, go drink some more.

      14 years ago at 3:38 pm
    4. ProperlySouthern1890

      Cut Em All is right. For a bourbon to be a bourbon, it’s all in mash and distilling process. Also, most Kentucky bourbons are spelled with an ‘e’ between the k and the y. The exception is Makers Mark. The original distillers were from Ireland I believe, and Irish whisky or scotch is not spelled with the ‘e’, and that is just a tradition they brought withh them. The county it’s distilled in doesn’t make it bourbon or not, it’s all in the process. That being said, Blanton’s single barrel is probably my favorite all time bourbon.

      14 years ago at 4:07 pm
    5. Fraterbury

      Bourbon also has to be aged in new oak barrels, along with having 51% corn in the mashbill.

      But yeah, from Bourbon County? Complete bullshit. Name the distilleries still working in Bourbon County…oh yeah, there aren’t any.

      14 years ago at 5:03 pm
    6. Fratman

      no by law to be called Burbon, whiskey has to be distilled using at least 51 percent corn and other criteria, its called bourbon because its asscioation with the region but dosent have to be distilled in Bourbon County. Get your facts straight 1865,

      14 years ago at 5:49 pm
    7. Bob BafFrat

      Fraterbury, back in the day Bourbon County covered nearly all of northern Kentucky, even parts of Virginia. Which was named after a French family. Whiskey from Kentucky distilled with maize is bourbon. That being said, Im partial to Woodford Reserve myself.

      14 years ago at 7:25 pm
    8. the standard with which..

      im so glad wikipedia exists for everyone to let 1865 know that hes wrong

      14 years ago at 7:28 pm
    9. Fratural Light

      1865…Kill yourself. Read the fucking front of a Maker’s bottle and you will see in bold letters…Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky you fucking dumbass.

      14 years ago at 12:13 am
    10. Athena's Owl


      No shit… I’m sitting beside a cabinet of scotch (no blends), bourbon, and rye; and realize the difference between them. I was using Blue Label as an example of price that doesn’t match quality.

      14 years ago at 1:12 am
  5. Raging Republican Bro

    It doesn’t legally have to be destilled in KY to be called bourbon but anywho who is a bourbon drinker knows that that is the case. It is like having a geed wear a polo and some khaki’s, he can look like a frat star but it just isn’t so.

    14 years ago at 5:53 pm
  6. Bluegrass

    Makers is an excellent bourbon, no matter the price. If you want some REAL bourbon, try Pappy Van Winkle’s 23 year old.

    14 years ago at 6:50 pm
  7. Davy Frockett

    If you want to know whether a whisky/bourbon/scotch is decent, pick up a copy of Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible. This guy is the godfather of whisky rating and literally rates every one of them each year.

    14 years ago at 7:07 pm