There are only two ways to properly tie a tie: Full Windsor or Blindfold. TFM.

    1. Brooks Bro

      Agreed. The knot should be based off of the collar being worn. Only an idiot or a GDI would be using the wrong knot for the wrong collar. Learn how to dress like an adult and a gentleman.

      14 years ago at 8:58 pm
  1. northern gentleman

    Incorrect. Windsor knots are for car salesmen and real estate agents. A real gentleman would tie a four-in-hand or double FIH. Bows work too.

    And my Charvet, Hermes, and Vuitton ties work well as blindfolds. The thick silk keeps all light out.

    14 years ago at 8:41 pm
  2. fraturday

    agreed, who the hell ties a full windor? you must be one of those geeds that wear a knot thats too big for their collars, unless youre wearing a cutaway or a faily wide spread a full windsor will look bad.

    14 years ago at 8:49 pm
  3. Ambrose IV

    Full Windsor, half Windsor, four-in-hand, and bow are all acceptable knots for a gentleman, but the knot always depends on the style of the collar. However, bow ties go with almost any collar.

    14 years ago at 9:01 pm
  4. Fratatat

    Windsor??? Are you kidding? Get the fuck out of here windsor. So many things wrong with this post, NEVADA. WINDSOR.

    what about beaux ties?

    14 years ago at 11:38 pm
    1. Brofessor

      Nevada Football went 13-1 and is ranked #11. FAF!
      Las Vegas is a great place for hedonistic roadtrips. FAF!

      14 years ago at 10:45 pm