dude can you hook a brotha up with those Jordan 3’s? HOLLA AT CHA BOIII!!!! and go fuck yourself. At least some trolls are funny sometimes. You’re just kind of lackluster and insignificant. Not enough to initiate a hateful response but enough to take up room to look at. Kind of a waste of space. As this will be my last response, I wish you good luck, and also, you’re wasting more of your time than other people are responding to you. Try another angle.
dude can you hook a brotha up with those Jordan 3’s? HOLLA AT CHA BOIII!!!! and go fuck yourself. At least some trolls are funny sometimes. You’re just kind of lackluster and insignificant. Not enough to initiate a hateful response but enough to take up room to look at. Kind of a waste of space. As this will be my last response, I wish you good luck, and also, you’re wasting more of your time than other people are responding to you. Try another angle.
12 years ago at 12:42 amMotion for tazewellBROford1868 to take me hunting?
12 years ago at 12:35 pm^This
12 years ago at 2:58 pmYeah come to my families ranch
12 years ago at 3:09 pmExecuting his wives. NF. Telling the pope to go to hell and starting his own church just to divorce his wife. TFM.
12 years ago at 3:00 pmCollateral Damage. TFM.
12 years ago at 3:25 pm