Slam found this on her car.

    1. Mashholder Stu

      trying hard and typing then printing out this note to hopefully score some attention from another dudes slam? NF

      13 years ago at 4:32 pm
  1. PTBAP

    Wait, so she already had a Obama sticker on her car to start with then? Because I find it hard to believe this chain of events.

    13 years ago at 10:59 am
    1. friendlyphigam

      said prankster most likely printed numerous copies and put them on cars with previous existing Obama stickers in order to troll his respective campus

      13 years ago at 1:51 am
  2. pearls for bowties

    She is sitting passenger, which would mean you are driving this Obama-mobile. For Shame!

    13 years ago at 1:14 pm
    1. TheFratlantaBraves

      ^Either he drives an Obama-mobile or his standards are low enough to have a slam who does. Sounds like a lose-lose to me sir.

      13 years ago at 11:54 pm
    1. Sixshooter4

      They are obviously living off our government like the rest of Obama’s supporters…

      13 years ago at 4:26 pm