Paul, Bachmann, Gingrich, and Santorum all did well tonight. Perry sucked and apparently just sucks at debating. Romney was his old socialist self. Cain did okay, but he is still rough around the edges.
Shooter, it doesn’t make sense not to vote for somebody just because they don’t have a good chance at winning. Elections aren’t like gambling. You vote for who you think is most right. If half the people who said that they like Paul but won’t vote for him because he won’t win actually voted for him, he could have a chance.
The numbers don’t lie and neither one of them have had favorable numbers in the polls. I want who has the best chance of taking this n !gger out of office
Ron Paul has no chance of winning and while his ideas seem like they may make sense, I am pretty sure his policies would drive America off the deep end, you cannot just with-drawl into such a small government as Paul desires, plus if the wind blew to hard around him I am pretty sure he would break, where as Perry looks like he could play linebacker for the cowboys
Are you joking? Paul has held consistent views for the past 30+ years and you think that “if the wind blew to hard around him…he would break”? Paul is what this country needs. Not another guy we elect based off fucking electability.
If the person is not electable, then he is certain not to be elected. Ron Paul will never be president. He is crazy, the media realizes this, so they down play him if at all possible. The only people that like Paul are his cult of followers, most of which are young libertarians on college campuses, and they are about as oblivious to reality as anyone. Paul is not what America needs, America needs someone whose policies could actually be passed in congress, i.e. a moderate that is not one sided on every issue, someone that realizes a successful government is one that runs with more than one prospective in mind. That being said, I think a republican in office is a much better alternative to the idiot we have in there now, but I do not think a Tea Party Candidate, or a libertarian would be beneficial at all in the presidency, those guys serve their purpose better in congress
The only reason idiots say he isn’t electable is because they buy in to the liberal news bullshit. You can’t fuck with Ron Paul and make him change his views, so lobbyists hate him, which is why the news always looks down on him. But the dude is FaF. He was pledge class president of his fraternity among other things. He was in the military, he became a doctor and fingered bitches for a living, he turned away the poors, he called Borat a queer, the dude is just a badass. Only reason anyone would think he’s crazy is because the dude is about to go senial. Look at his shit in the 80’s. Watch his interviews. He knows what the fuck is up. Elect this dude before he actually does go senial. I swear the reason people think our country is going in the shitter is because they keep voting on some bullshit mythical “electability.” Just because someone looks nice and is a great speaker doesn’t mean they should run our fucking country. I mean that kind of shit gets hitler elected. You aren’t a god damn nazi are you?
Ron Paul would be a great President, however it is true that he will never win. Sad, but true. The Republican Party cannot afford to be split if Paul chooses to run independently. That would guarantee Obama 4 more years in office. Support whoever gets the Republican nod
If everyone that I have heard say ‘Ron Paul has no chance of winning’ voted for him, he would have a pretty good chance of winning. Also, polls show him beating Obama in a national election.
Sperry, that’s an absolutely idiotic statement. If you vote for a candidate that truly has no chance, and it’s pretty clear who that might be, you’re simply throwing that vote away. Figure out who’s actually in the race and vote for the candidate that won’t destroy your world, e.g. Comrade Obama.
Maybe its because anyone watching tonight can see that out of all of them, he’s the clear favorite. Cain is nothing more than a pizza delivery boy who for all his business experience still can’t do math and would submit to terrorists’ demands; and Perry is starting to realize his 15 minutes are up, and has been reduced to near a Santorum level of bitching by talking primarily about how shitty everyone else is and saying almost nothing about his own plans. To quote Shooter above, his “train has slowed way down.” Although I’m not the biggest Romney fan in the world, he still is the obvious winner.
You care to point out some instance of Mitt Romney being a liar? He passed Romneycare in Massachusetts wear 92% of the people already had health care. He never suggested or agreed with it working on a national level. I support Romney because he’s principled and a great businessman, who unlike perry, has actually been responsible for job creation. I really don’t care what you think about him, but he’s exactly what America needs right now.
Yes you do. Do you drive on roads? Do you like the military? Do you like police protection? Do you like fire departments? Do you use electricity? In an emergency would you like some EMS. Do you use a toilet that goes into a sewer system? Do you drink water from a faucet? Ever driven across a bridge? Ever flown on a plane from an airport?
Yea, you need to learn what socialism is. You use it and enjoy it whether you know you do or not.
You can’t pro rate an economic system you idiot. Socialism is a political term applied to an economic system in which property is held in common and not individually, and relationships are governed by a political hierarchy. In a socialistic syste common ownership doesn’t mean decisions are made collectively, however. Instead, individuals in positions of authority make decisions in the name of the collective group. Regardless of the picture painted of socialism by its proponents, it ultimately removes group decision making in favor of the choices of one all-important individual. US highways, EMS, etc. are established in this country under a capitalistic/democratic system.
^I wish people were still executed by the ole gillotine or however the fuck you spell it. I would love to be the person to drop that bitch on your neckn .
There would have to be a figure to make virtually all decisions for people for it to be socialism. All of the things you listed would still be funded if democratically agreed upon within the states. Socialism advocates the State being the mover of economics, not economics being the mover of the State. There is a big difference between letting people decided what services should be provided to the public and letting dictators decide. So your argument is pointless. It’s clear you were educated on the West Coast with your beliefs though DURRRRRR
You are getting socialism confused with Marxist-Lenninism. Good try though. All social means is that it is run and funded by the state. A HURRRDURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
scbro91, I do not know if you have walked around outside lately or not, but it is 2011, you cannot buy people anymore. There was this big war about 150 years ago, you know, the Civil War, it kind of did away with the whole purchasing people thing. I know you are from SC so you probably cannot read, but I think you may have heard about it.
Plus Anderson Cooper is a gay, which automatically negates the frat-like quality associated with any “wealth” he may have.
Actually, if you knew anything (of course I wouldn’t expect you to), then you would know that slavery is still alive today in the tomato fields of Florida. Not wage slaves either, these are people who are locked up at night, and have armed guards oversee their work.
Just because something is illegal doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I am sure you drank alcohol before you were 21.
Actually, if you knew anything (of course I wouldn’t expect you to), then you would know that s.lavery is still alive today in the tomato fields of Florida. Not wage s.laves either, these are people who are locked up at night, and have armed guards oversee their work.
Just because something is i.llegal doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I am sure you drank a.lcohol before you were 21.
scbro, I’m pretty sure I put you in your fucking place last time right here, and I’ll do it again. Get off this website, you don’t belong. Go read the Huffington Post and jerk off to your Nancy Pelosi porn you stupid, shit eating fuckhead. Aren’t you supposed to be on Wall Street right now? And by that I mean living on the fucking streets somewhere.
Fuck whoever yall are voting for. Anderson Cooper is a faggot Geed and Rick Perry is FaF for saying “You ask the questions Cooper I answer them however I want.”
It isn’t that he is in a weak crop, he is one of them. He is just a loud mouthed Texan who thought he could kick some ass. Turns out he is an idiot who can barely speak. Cain and Bachmann are nuts as well. 999? Please…. Gingrich? Hard to be a candidate of the “family values” party when you have been divorced 3 times. Romney? Bleh….Paul? Yea, a Dr. who is also a young earth creationist. I honestly do not think paul understands anything about the Federal government. At least he would be true to supposed republican values of small government, which is something other conservative presidents did not understand.
In the end I will probably vote 3rd party or Romney. Neither of which are good choices.
“…the general opinion is that most states are not in a position to safely guard against nuclear use, that he under-estimates the long-standing antipathy in many regions, and that weak states will be unable to prevent – or will actively provide for – the disastrous possibility of nuclear terrorism.”
Way to quote only a small part of one side of the debate regarding RDT. There is a heated theoretical debate regarding the subject. I was just pointing out that Ron Paul might have just been advocating that position when you took his quote about Iran out of context.
Frat comment amongst a bunch of shitty ones. Ron Paul 2012.
13 years ago at 7:47 pmPaul was the clear winner of the debate, however I’m still pulling for Gingrich
13 years ago at 8:28 pm^ You’d be wasting a vote either way because neither one has a shot in hell of getting the nomination
13 years ago at 8:33 pmPaul, Bachmann, Gingrich, and Santorum all did well tonight. Perry sucked and apparently just sucks at debating. Romney was his old socialist self. Cain did okay, but he is still rough around the edges.
13 years ago at 8:40 pmMcGavin people like you are the reason we have shitty presidents
13 years ago at 8:47 pmShooter, it doesn’t make sense not to vote for somebody just because they don’t have a good chance at winning. Elections aren’t like gambling. You vote for who you think is most right. If half the people who said that they like Paul but won’t vote for him because he won’t win actually voted for him, he could have a chance.
13 years ago at 9:02 pmThe numbers don’t lie and neither one of them have had favorable numbers in the polls. I want who has the best chance of taking this n !gger out of office
13 years ago at 9:02 pmRon Paul has no chance of winning and while his ideas seem like they may make sense, I am pretty sure his policies would drive America off the deep end, you cannot just with-drawl into such a small government as Paul desires, plus if the wind blew to hard around him I am pretty sure he would break, where as Perry looks like he could play linebacker for the cowboys
13 years ago at 10:09 pmAre you joking? Paul has held consistent views for the past 30+ years and you think that “if the wind blew to hard around him…he would break”? Paul is what this country needs. Not another guy we elect based off fucking electability.
13 years ago at 11:17 pmIf the person is not electable, then he is certain not to be elected. Ron Paul will never be president. He is crazy, the media realizes this, so they down play him if at all possible. The only people that like Paul are his cult of followers, most of which are young libertarians on college campuses, and they are about as oblivious to reality as anyone. Paul is not what America needs, America needs someone whose policies could actually be passed in congress, i.e. a moderate that is not one sided on every issue, someone that realizes a successful government is one that runs with more than one prospective in mind. That being said, I think a republican in office is a much better alternative to the idiot we have in there now, but I do not think a Tea Party Candidate, or a libertarian would be beneficial at all in the presidency, those guys serve their purpose better in congress
13 years ago at 11:29 pm^You sir, are a fucking clueless idiot. It’s people like you that got the beaureacratic socialist in office that we are now stuck with. Ron Paul 2012!
13 years ago at 12:03 amThe only reason idiots say he isn’t electable is because they buy in to the liberal news bullshit. You can’t fuck with Ron Paul and make him change his views, so lobbyists hate him, which is why the news always looks down on him. But the dude is FaF. He was pledge class president of his fraternity among other things. He was in the military, he became a doctor and fingered bitches for a living, he turned away the poors, he called Borat a queer, the dude is just a badass. Only reason anyone would think he’s crazy is because the dude is about to go senial. Look at his shit in the 80’s. Watch his interviews. He knows what the fuck is up. Elect this dude before he actually does go senial. I swear the reason people think our country is going in the shitter is because they keep voting on some bullshit mythical “electability.” Just because someone looks nice and is a great speaker doesn’t mean they should run our fucking country. I mean that kind of shit gets hitler elected. You aren’t a god damn nazi are you?
13 years ago at 5:45 amRon Paul would be a great President, however it is true that he will never win. Sad, but true. The Republican Party cannot afford to be split if Paul chooses to run independently. That would guarantee Obama 4 more years in office. Support whoever gets the Republican nod
13 years ago at 9:08 amIf everyone that I have heard say ‘Ron Paul has no chance of winning’ voted for him, he would have a pretty good chance of winning. Also, polls show him beating Obama in a national election.
13 years ago at 10:09 am^ Completely false. Obama is ahead in every poll against Paul.
13 years ago at 10:21 amRon Paul is straight up fucking worthless.
13 years ago at 12:04 pmSperry, that’s an absolutely idiotic statement. If you vote for a candidate that truly has no chance, and it’s pretty clear who that might be, you’re simply throwing that vote away. Figure out who’s actually in the race and vote for the candidate that won’t destroy your world, e.g. Comrade Obama.
13 years ago at 12:18 pmFalse. A Harris Poll shows Paul would beat Obama.
13 years ago at 12:23 pmShooter you sound like a fucking crony moron.
13 years ago at 7:30 pmNewt taking the high ground. TFM
13 years ago at 8:04 pmThe Perry train has slowed wayyy down
13 years ago at 8:06 pmIt really has.
13 years ago at 8:07 pmHerman Cain telling it like it is? TFTC?
13 years ago at 8:10 pmDon’t blame Wall Street, blame Obama.
13 years ago at 10:03 pmMitt Romney is a lying socialist fraud. I don’t know how anyone support this douchebag.
13 years ago at 8:27 pmAgreed. I’m still pulling for Perry or Paul.
13 years ago at 8:49 pmI wish you would deep-throat a machete.
13 years ago at 8:50 pmMaybe its because anyone watching tonight can see that out of all of them, he’s the clear favorite. Cain is nothing more than a pizza delivery boy who for all his business experience still can’t do math and would submit to terrorists’ demands; and Perry is starting to realize his 15 minutes are up, and has been reduced to near a Santorum level of bitching by talking primarily about how shitty everyone else is and saying almost nothing about his own plans. To quote Shooter above, his “train has slowed way down.” Although I’m not the biggest Romney fan in the world, he still is the obvious winner.
13 years ago at 9:00 pmSome socialism is a good thing. Most people fail to realize how much socialized things they take for granted.
13 years ago at 10:40 pmScbro, fuck you. I don’t enjoy any socialism in any form. We all know your a socialist, so go share ur dick with your gay fucking chapter.
13 years ago at 8:54 amyour*
13 years ago at 8:54 amFucking phone.
13 years ago at 8:55 amYou care to point out some instance of Mitt Romney being a liar? He passed Romneycare in Massachusetts wear 92% of the people already had health care. He never suggested or agreed with it working on a national level. I support Romney because he’s principled and a great businessman, who unlike perry, has actually been responsible for job creation. I really don’t care what you think about him, but he’s exactly what America needs right now.
13 years ago at 8:56 am“I don’t enjoy any socialism in any form”
Yes you do. Do you drive on roads? Do you like the military? Do you like police protection? Do you like fire departments? Do you use electricity? In an emergency would you like some EMS. Do you use a toilet that goes into a sewer system? Do you drink water from a faucet? Ever driven across a bridge? Ever flown on a plane from an airport?
Yea, you need to learn what socialism is. You use it and enjoy it whether you know you do or not.
13 years ago at 11:57 am^ Logged in to agree. People on this site can’t think a damn thing all the way through, socialism is the devil.
Also Reagan is almost as holy as Jesus.
13 years ago at 12:23 pmANARCHY.
13 years ago at 1:16 pmYou can’t pro rate an economic system you idiot. Socialism is a political term applied to an economic system in which property is held in common and not individually, and relationships are governed by a political hierarchy. In a socialistic syste common ownership doesn’t mean decisions are made collectively, however. Instead, individuals in positions of authority make decisions in the name of the collective group. Regardless of the picture painted of socialism by its proponents, it ultimately removes group decision making in favor of the choices of one all-important individual. US highways, EMS, etc. are established in this country under a capitalistic/democratic system.
Now can we please stop feeding this troll?
13 years ago at 12:25 pm^this guy knows his shit
13 years ago at 1:18 pmThose are all capable/if not mostly funded on the state and local level scrbo. So correct yourself by saying we enjoy small government, not socialism.
13 years ago at 8:02 pm^I wish people were still executed by the ole gillotine or however the fuck you spell it. I would love to be the person to drop that bitch on your neckn .
13 years ago at 8:03 pmThere would have to be a figure to make virtually all decisions for people for it to be socialism. All of the things you listed would still be funded if democratically agreed upon within the states. Socialism advocates the State being the mover of economics, not economics being the mover of the State. There is a big difference between letting people decided what services should be provided to the public and letting dictators decide. So your argument is pointless. It’s clear you were educated on the West Coast with your beliefs though DURRRRRR
13 years ago at 8:24 pmYou are getting socialism confused with Marxist-Lenninism. Good try though. All social means is that it is run and funded by the state. A HURRRDURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
13 years ago at 9:33 pmAnderson Cooper has more wealth than anyone on this website. You are all poors compared to him.
Besides Rick Perry is a piece of shit.
13 years ago at 9:35 pmAnderson Cooper is a queer. He literally fucks guys in the ass.
13 years ago at 9:37 pm^ There is really nothing else to say
13 years ago at 9:44 pm^How about I just go eat some hay, I can make things out of clay and lay by the bay. I just may
13 years ago at 9:53 pmHis sexuality does not make him any less rich. He could buy anyone he wanted to and make them his bitch.
13 years ago at 10:29 pm^
13 years ago at 10:34 pmscbro91, I do not know if you have walked around outside lately or not, but it is 2011, you cannot buy people anymore. There was this big war about 150 years ago, you know, the Civil War, it kind of did away with the whole purchasing people thing. I know you are from SC so you probably cannot read, but I think you may have heard about it.
Plus Anderson Cooper is a gay, which automatically negates the frat-like quality associated with any “wealth” he may have.
13 years ago at 10:39 pmNow I may be wrong, but i believe the Civil War was over states rights, not slavery.
13 years ago at 5:35 amYeah Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbilt. TFM. Yeah Anderson Cooper has had a man’s penis in his mouth. NF
13 years ago at 10:46 pmActually, if you knew anything (of course I wouldn’t expect you to), then you would know that slavery is still alive today in the tomato fields of Florida. Not wage slaves either, these are people who are locked up at night, and have armed guards oversee their work.
Just because something is illegal doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I am sure you drank alcohol before you were 21.
13 years ago at 10:57 pmAlso, Cooper has never come out as homosexual, so the only way you could know he is gay is by personal experience.
I would prefer not to hear about your sex life thank you.
13 years ago at 10:58 pmI am pretty sure you can tell Cooper is a gay without him coming out openly and without any personal experience. That is a weak argument
13 years ago at 11:02 pmActually, if you knew anything (of course I wouldn’t expect you to), then you would know that s.lavery is still alive today in the tomato fields of Florida. Not wage s.laves either, these are people who are locked up at night, and have armed guards oversee their work.
Just because something is i.llegal doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I am sure you drank a.lcohol before you were 21.
13 years ago at 11:09 pmHomophobia. TFM.
13 years ago at 5:21 amscbro is speaking from experience about being Cooper’s sex bitch
13 years ago at 8:18 amHe is a pretty good looking guy.
13 years ago at 11:54 amscbro, I’m pretty sure I put you in your fucking place last time right here, and I’ll do it again. Get off this website, you don’t belong. Go read the Huffington Post and jerk off to your Nancy Pelosi porn you stupid, shit eating fuckhead. Aren’t you supposed to be on Wall Street right now? And by that I mean living on the fucking streets somewhere.
13 years ago at 12:09 pmscbro gargles the gravy. And by gravy, I mean jizz.
13 years ago at 12:16 pmFuck whoever yall are voting for. Anderson Cooper is a faggot Geed and Rick Perry is FaF for saying “You ask the questions Cooper I answer them however I want.”
13 years ago at 9:53 pmConsidering Perry got booed after he dodged the question I’d say he didn’t do anything near a TFM.
Losing the GOP nomination in the weakest crop of candidates in three decades. TFTC?
13 years ago at 10:14 pmIt isn’t that he is in a weak crop, he is one of them. He is just a loud mouthed Texan who thought he could kick some ass. Turns out he is an idiot who can barely speak. Cain and Bachmann are nuts as well. 999? Please…. Gingrich? Hard to be a candidate of the “family values” party when you have been divorced 3 times. Romney? Bleh….Paul? Yea, a Dr. who is also a young earth creationist. I honestly do not think paul understands anything about the Federal government. At least he would be true to supposed republican values of small government, which is something other conservative presidents did not understand.
In the end I will probably vote 3rd party or Romney. Neither of which are good choices.
13 years ago at 10:38 pmHow about you don’t vote and you move to Canada?
13 years ago at 1:24 pmDon’t vote 3rd Party, its a wasted vote for Obama
13 years ago at 9:11 amRick Perry is a fucking tool and he proves it on national TV regularly.
13 years ago at 7:54 amAnderson Cooper owning perry by saying, “that’s a response, not an answer.” TFM
13 years ago at 8:59 am^boom^
13 years ago at 11:38 amAll you fuckers will vote for the American citizen running in 2012.
Two reasons:
1. Supreme Court Justices.
2. Fucking Obama.
That said, Romney is a piece of shit RINO huckster who I pray gets killed in a bus accident as soon as possible.
Cain/Gingrich 2012
13 years ago at 10:08 am(Because Paul’s foreign policy ideas are butt fuck retarded)
Ron Paul not giving a shit about any country except the U.S.A. TFM
13 years ago at 10:12 amRon Paul saying that Iran should have nuclear weapons. NF.
13 years ago at 11:13 am^ Ever head of the optimist theory of nuclear weapon proliferation? Rational Deterrence Theory….?
13 years ago at 1:07 pm“…the general opinion is that most states are not in a position to safely guard against nuclear use, that he under-estimates the long-standing antipathy in many regions, and that weak states will be unable to prevent – or will actively provide for – the disastrous possibility of nuclear terrorism.”
13 years ago at 2:44 pmWay to quote only a small part of one side of the debate regarding RDT. There is a heated theoretical debate regarding the subject. I was just pointing out that Ron Paul might have just been advocating that position when you took his quote about Iran out of context.
13 years ago at 7:45 pmHe never said anything close to they “should” have nuclear weapons. You listen to other peoples opinions like Bill O’Reilly and try to pawn it off as your own and it’s blantantly obvious. How do you explain Ron Paul receiving the most personal donations from the military?
13 years ago at 7:46 pm