Bro Montana, God doesn’t bestow National Championships upon college football teams. Stop being blasphemous. I know you’re probably a Cali atheist, but try having a little respect.
Fraterdie – a fraternity without goodole boys – NOT FUCKING FRAT.
get it through your blonde bushy hair that you are NOT fratty and no matter what fraternity you are in, during nationals YOU are the laughing stock of the fraternity.
SoulCal, Not only do i have the Fox News app send notifications to my phone hourly, but I also grew up in the south; where we religiously watch Hannity, Beck, and O’reilly as a family, and listen to Rush. Southern girls are more politically informed than anyone in your joke of a state. We voted for W and Mccain, you voted for Carter and Obama. and who could forget the LOVELY nancy pelosi.
i hope your skateboard, surfboard, AND white costas break in half.
I love how California’s claim to be worldly, but yet they are ignorant of what even goes on in there own country… get out of the so cal bubble man, i have and now i love the SEC.
The only reason you might get a “better” job (ie paid more) is to compensate for your liberal GDI state that takes all your money because it’s broke. NF. We in the South get to keep our money.
Get the fuck off this site you liberal hipster douches.
14 years ago at 12:35 pmYou’re not a ranger.
14 years ago at 12:53 pmGet the fuck off this site you red-neck hickster douches.
14 years ago at 1:30 pmSorry brah, this is the South’s site. You worthless liberal GDI d-bags have no business here. You simply aren’t good enough.
14 years ago at 3:14 pmYou’re still gay
14 years ago at 12:39 pmThe Almighty says South Carolina is the only USC.
14 years ago at 12:44 pmThe Almighty has really blessed you with a lot of National Championships….oh wait.
14 years ago at 12:51 pmMontana really? Montana is probably less frat that Ed Hardy shirts. Get a life you piece of shit.
14 years ago at 1:46 pmBro Montana, God doesn’t bestow National Championships upon college football teams. Stop being blasphemous. I know you’re probably a Cali atheist, but try having a little respect.
14 years ago at 5:20 pmits hard to get natl championships when our confrence wins almost every year.
14 years ago at 8:38 amSEC = TFUCKINGFMOVE
Californians stay off this site. No one likes you or your state.
14 years ago at 12:45 pmAGREED
14 years ago at 12:14 amgoogle says it too…sorry southern carolina
14 years ago at 12:49 pmAll of the frat minus the hick…
14 years ago at 12:49 pmplus the hollister, hair gel, and diamond studs
14 years ago at 2:48 pmand boyfriends that are in their same chapter.
14 years ago at 3:12 pmplus the sex with sorority sisters, minus the sex with biological sisters
14 years ago at 3:24 pmFraterdie – a fraternity without goodole boys – NOT FUCKING FRAT.
get it through your blonde bushy hair that you are NOT fratty and no matter what fraternity you are in, during nationals YOU are the laughing stock of the fraternity.
14 years ago at 8:36 amYou can have all the money you want, but the west coast is still the west coast, not the south.
14 years ago at 12:56 pmSo do bro’s with surf boards, hacky sacks and a three word vocab “bro, chill, duuude”… fuck of you gdi’s
14 years ago at 1:00 pmwe may have a three word vocab but at least we know how to spell fuck off correctly. duuude
14 years ago at 1:41 pmI vote to forever ban any posts from California on this website.
14 years ago at 1:05 pmWomen from the south don’t vote.
14 years ago at 1:09 pmStraight Republican ticket TFM. SoulCal, Southern women do vote. I hope your skate board breaks in half.
14 years ago at 1:38 pmSoulCal, Not only do i have the Fox News app send notifications to my phone hourly, but I also grew up in the south; where we religiously watch Hannity, Beck, and O’reilly as a family, and listen to Rush. Southern girls are more politically informed than anyone in your joke of a state. We voted for W and Mccain, you voted for Carter and Obama. and who could forget the LOVELY nancy pelosi.
i hope your skateboard, surfboard, AND white costas break in half.
p.s. Kay Dee Ladybug, let’s be best friends!!!
14 years ago at 12:13 pmGood luck finding a job after graduating from a shitstitution like Ole’ Miss or Auburn, you inbred hick. TFM.
14 years ago at 1:09 pmI have had a job for after I graduate ever since the doctor told my father “It’s a boy!”, retarded GDI
14 years ago at 1:20 pmI love how California’s claim to be worldly, but yet they are ignorant of what even goes on in there own country… get out of the so cal bubble man, i have and now i love the SEC.
14 years ago at 1:23 pmThe only reason you might get a “better” job (ie paid more) is to compensate for your liberal GDI state that takes all your money because it’s broke. NF. We in the South get to keep our money.
14 years ago at 1:26 pm